
here is mine blooming

You know the rennies are out there, i sent the majority of them out, and tex sent out some. Most of the folks i sent them to i never hear from anymore. Guess the "group" has changed.

Oh well no biggie, the seeds are out there. Grow them....or not. Who really cares.

Should have more coming in soon from Trinidad. The "group" next time will be smaller.

Enjoy them.....they are hot.
I am still growing mine that you sent me, Armac, but it is slow here in the Midwest. We have snow in the forecast on Thursday - May 2nd! WTF?
mine are still in solo cups... SHane's is doing pretty fine... will post pics in a bit

the WILD PICKED seeds

and these are from TEX's 2012
I haven't forgotten. In fact, I was potting up a few today Armac. Hope to have them in the ground in 4 weeks! They are doing well. Thanks for sharing.


You know the rennies are out there, i sent the majority of them out, and tex sent out some. Most of the folks i sent them to i never hear from anymore. Guess the "group" has changed.

Oh well no biggie, the seeds are out there. Grow them....or not. Who really cares.

Should have more coming in soon from Trinidad. The "group" next time will be smaller.

Enjoy them.....they are hot.
Nice pepper porn, I really like the way the plant and pods look like, I still have all my poor plants under lights and just when I thought it was safe to set them out for some sum the damn weather changes and they are talking that we may get some snow, wow just crazy.
How does the Rennie taste? I don't have any myself so I have nothing to go by taste wise, as I have not grown any Reapers yet so I can't compare either maybe I'll try to get some seeds at the end of the season when people start selling some of their seeds.