A Big Hidey Ho From Mountville, Pennsylvania

Hello there everybody! My name is Jake, and I'm a 17 year old chilehead. This has been my first year growing and boy oh boy am I really getting into it. I've gone through a lot of trial and error and I think I'm finally getting the hang of things! Seeing as I have a VERY low income (a kid can only ask his Mom for so much), I am currently accepting DIY solutions and seed donations. I'm very proud/happy to be a member of this community and hope I can contribute for a very long time. Hidey Ho! :cheers:
Welcome from Harrisburg. Be careful of this JayT guy on here :rofl: . He is in Mountville and a good drunken chef.
Home of the Mountville Microwave Dog!

honestly, I am shocked that there are 2 Mountville guys meeting anywhere online other than facebook
welcome, puma! from the other side of the country in Washington State!

TONS of good information and good people on THP. You'll have fun~

There are some great folks out there in PA, don't let 'em fool ya!
