smokers A Boy and His Smokers

:shocked:  sure does...
I just fired up my smoker for the first time this year.  Should have burnt it off before putting the pork butt in...  Got a little charred before I put out the flare up in the catch pan from last years grease build-up..  Ooops.  Good thing I didn't have the wings on yet.
Stuffed! Now trying to get drunk.  The cook took from 1 am to 5 pm.  Pulled it off at 190 and then popped the point back in.  Rested it in a cooler for 2 hours.  Burnt ends came out good but I rushed them.  The flat slices would stretch and then break off just like comp BBQ.  I could see some moisture when I squeezed a slice but I think it should have been a bit moister IMO.  Nice smoke flavor but the smoke ring was lacking a bit.  Overall, great success!!! (In Borat's voice)



Husker21 said:
GM, all I wanted to do was climb inside the cooler and chill out.
oldsalty's got the yerrrzzzz. but ... i think he'll agree ... each piece of meat is done at a different time and temperature if you are trying to nail brisket ...
the best one's i've had are the one's that have this jiggle ... you prod at it w/ your finger a little, and it jiggles like a splack pack video ... and then if it meets the toothpick test ... and it's at temp ...
i don't just set my probe alarm to 203F and walk inside, certainly ... i'm wanting to be involved in the decision by around 190F, certainly ... i've had cooks where 190F and 200F were only 25 mins apart, and one's where 185F to 203F was 3 additional hours ...
there's a lot of love here for the point, but i actually prefer the flat in all aspects ... there's a little more interstitial fat on the point, and you pretty have to overcook the meat-meat to render it to my preference ... maybe that's where I suffer for not wrapping, because it definitely improves the braise to do so, especially if you are using braising liquid in the wrap) ...
looking forward to bbq'ing tomorrow ...
Just sprayed down the racks and cleaned out the firebox. I sprayed down the firebox with some veg oil spray since we have some wet weather coming up and I am storing the smokers in my damp garage for now.

Lots of brisket leftovers but I can't touch them to til tomorrow. Darn lent season. Lol. maybe brisket and eggs in morning with some of the burnt ends.
Seriously that looked great. Usually when I do my briskeys I will take them just past the first big stall which is around 165* internal or so. At that point I will double foil wrap them and add a little more rub a big glob of butter and maybe a little cider vinegar (like 2 tablespoons) and put it back on the smoker till it hits around 180* internal. After that I take the drippings in the foil and put them in a pot and put the brisket back on the smoker un-foiled until I hit 195-200*. Once I hit the done temp, I re-foil it back up and add the drippings that were in the pot and leave it until serving time. Usually ends up around 205* internal which is perfect for slicing but on the border of falling apart. Kind of depends on the crowd.
Here is a pic of a brisket I recently did so low and slow it had the biggest smoke ring I have ever produced 205* for many many hours lol... This is after I cut off the point for burnt ends.