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A Few Interesting Pods

No dulce#3's yet

These are Aji dulce #1

Here's my Aji dulce(not)#2 Looks more like the rocotillo I used to grow. These have quite a bit of heat so not really a dulce as labelled
cmpman1974 said:
Grenada Seasoning has very low heat and nice flavor. Very fragrant as well. I like it a lot. It's a mental challenge to toss a whole pod in your mouth out of fear it'll be hot. lol.

I have never seen a C. Chinense Red Scotch Bonnet with consistent pod shape. I don't believe it exists. Yellow ones...yes. Red, I gotta see it with my own eyes and then I'll want to have it. lol. I've looked forever for one with high heat, bonnet flavor, and correct pod shape.


Do you guys find it helps the next generation to plant seed from only the perfectly shaped pods?I have a True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet with 1 Immaculate pod,as of yet unripe.I have read that the problem with Scotch Bonnets in Jamaica is the farmers send the best pods to market,and seed is saved from the misshapen pods,leading to many problems,including screwing up the genetic landrace.