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A few plants dying *sigh*

Either my plants are catching some kind of disease or I have some kind of pest killing them... or I am doing something wrong!

The new growth and buds on some of my plants is just curling up and dying. Old growth doesn't really appear to be affected - except for one --formally very-healthy-looking-- baby plant which just up and carked it almost overnight. Upon closer inspection, it appears as though I have some tiny, tiny, tiny little long whitish bugs on some of the plants. Thrips? Unfortunately my camera is out of commission at the moment and I can't get a close-up look at them (they are microscopic!), nor provide any photos just yet. The thing is though, I haven't seen these things on all the plants with the problem - only some of them.

Any ideas? I know it may not be the bugs either - so fire away.

I will get photos up ASAP.
Oh, no...sounds like aphids and they can devour a whole bunch of plants over night. Get some Safer Soap-Neem Oil and spray both the top and bottom of every leaf on your remaining plants, or go find some insecticide that is specific for Aphids and treat them immediately.
No worries there..! I'll be on the soapy neem later on this arvo once it cools down a bit.

I've had problems with aphids before though, and these things seem a little different. For one, they are a little smaller and longer (don't ask me how I can determine that) and two, I never had the dying leaves the first time around. Can aphids cause that? Of course, it's always possible that they are two different problems and it's just a coincidence that they are appearing at the same time.
Yep. Found the aphid bastards as well today on some rucola (roquette?). Then inspected all my pepperplants and found trips on the largest soil plant and the ones in the ebb system. Those bastards nearly killed some of my culinary herbs overnight. So I put all plants in the bath and shower and sprayed them with pyrethrin and a dash of neem oil (quite a deadly cocktail for the little buggers).

Problem solved (for a while)!
Another thing is, I've been bringing my plants inside at night into my bathroom because of another pest problem. As I have a lot of baby plants, I've been turning the light on for most of the night - which is a halogen bulb. Could this have anything to do with the dying leaves? There is no real circulation in the bathroom either. I have also had quite a bit of rain here at the moment, so when the plants do go outside during the day, they haven't been getting much sun (I've been keeping them undercover so they don't get soaked). Could lack of sufficient sun cause such problems? There are a lot of factors I am suspicious of.

Also, as I cannot provide pics atm, I will try and go into a little more detail. New growth is kind of curling up, going a bit brownish, then dropping off.
Bummer, I think the dream is over... :

I took some close-ups and things are looking a little worse than first thought. I got these little grub things, webs (spider mites? or just regular spiders?), and things just look plain diseased and nasty.




SeeYouJimmy said:
Damn Gas, I hope someone here can help you sort that out.

Yeah, so do I, but I don't like my chances... I lost one plant already a couple days ago and it looks like two more are about to do the same. The first one just curled up and died pretty much overnight; I wouldn't be surprised if the other two do it tonight or very soon. A couple of my bigger plants are doing the same but at the moment it only appears to be the new growth that's curling up, dying and dropping. It does sound very like a virus or disease, yeah?


I have 20 odd seedlings sitting inside under the window atm which may be my last hope to get anything going this season. The crap news is, if it is an infection of some kind, they have probably been exposed to it too (I've been tending to them at the same time I have been tending to my other plants). If on the other hand, it is fault of my own (over-watering, over-fertilizing, insufficient sun, etc) then I will just have to get it right this time!

Another thing is, I have two hybrid capsicum plants that have showed no signs so far of whatever it is; I am now wondering if maybe they are resilient to it if it is an infection/virus?
JungleRain said:
yep your got spider mites...don't stress there are some good bugs sprays on the market, that are just for thes guys....
Here is a good one: http://www.pestgenie.com.au/label/crop_care/KELTHANE MF_13110627.pdf

JR, a couple Q's....

So the old soapy neem spray won't cut it this time?

The little white dots, are they the spider mites?

And the plants that are dying, reckon there's any hope for them? I got two baby plants that I'm almost positive are goners now... :(
If the plants are still small you can dip them in a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of dish detergent to 1 gallon of water. Just let the soap dry on them and it will take care of the little buggers. If you'd like you can also mix some plant food (1/2 strength) into the water with the soap and that will help feed your plants for a few days. If they are too big to dip then you'll need to spray them.

I've been doing this as needed on my plants for years and I've found it to be a very effective way to treat infestations on seedlings.


good to see ya around again Alan
Russet "Tomato" Mites!?

I spoke to Hippy Neil and his opinion/intuition is that they are Tomato Mites. Sure enough, I googled tomato mite, and from what I've gathered so far, the finger points directly at them.

Russet Mites:

The little shits that are on my plants:

Russet Mite damage:

Damage to one of my plants:
As for the webs, I am thinking they may be just regular old spider webs. This appears to be one of the owners here:

Either way, I have bad little shit mites! Regardless of whether I have one type or two, they all must be destroyed!