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A great birthday gift!!

Hi all!
I wanted to share something with the forum.
I will try to keep it as short as I can....
Some of you know that my sister, my only sibling, is a cancer survivor. About 2 years ago my older sister was diagnosed with an inoperable cancerous brain tumor. She was 40 at the time. It has been and still is a very trying time for all of us.
I am the happiest man alive to tell you that she has been cancer free for about a year! She has been the strongest person in the world. The rest of my family has come in a close second.
Early on during the biopsy stage there were some complications. My sister Jackie who is a middle school english teacher lost a lot of motor skills. She could not really walk, talk, or honestly move without help for a long time. She continues exhausting speech, physical, and occupational therapy sessions a few times a week but got back in her class as soon as she could and is teaching full time. She has come so far and its amazing.
Lets just put it this way.. she made me this for my birthday and I couldn't be prouder...
Its awesome and I love her.

Thanks for checking it out
Its amazing. She couldn't move her arms a few months ago and now she made me this. 
I hope its a feel good post for all. The point is when your day sucks...it doesn't really! 
Cheers all, happy weekend. Enjoy your friends, your family, strangers, yourself,  and donate to something. A dollar is great..
Don't thank me.
Im glad you guys like it.
Pretty sweet needle pointy thingy right?
I win on so many levels!
Thanks Grow, i feel so lucky. When all is said and done just think about what we bitch about honestly....
Cheers bro!

HopsNBarley said:
Big ole' smile over here...
That's awesome!
Yeah man. I cried a few times posting but they were good cries! Smiles are behind good cries!
Cheers HnB
That looks really cool, Prime! How awesome that your sister made it for you :)
     What a great story! My dad died of Glioblastoma Multiforme a few years ago. If it's not too weird, please thank your sister for kicking cancer's ass for me. 