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A little (ok a lot) ID help please


Somewhere along the way this year tags, stakes, stickers and other various marking attempts fell short. In other words, I'm not sure what these are. There's 5 of them, all new to me this year. Any ids/thoughts/guesses would be greatly appreciated. (sigh)


Here's #5

At least I do know what these two are.

7 Pot
Bhut Jolokia

Thanks again.
millworkman said:
Do you know what you planted, that way we play a matching game rather than a guessing game.

Well, that's a little tricky - I'm growing something around 75 varieties this year, I think. Most of them I've grown before, but not these. Some possibilities are:

Caribbean Red, Congo Trinidad, Red Savina, Jamaica Red, Datil, Fatalii, Tobago Seasoning, Golden Habanero, Scotch Bonnet Tobago

chillilover said:
#4 Naga Morich #5 Not carribean red hab
Others what pepperfreak said.

Thanks chillilover. I didn't knowingly plant any Naga Morich unfortunately. I did plant Caribbean Red and Red Savina though.

Pepperfreak said:
Here is my best guesses...

#1 Datil (red)
#2 Fatalli
#3 Orange Hab
#4 ???
#5 either a Carriabean Red Hab or Scotch Bonnet

Thanks PF, your guesses look pretty darn good!

Keep 'em coming!

Thanks Again.
I thought they might be naga morich but since you didn't plant any then I guess we know they're not.:) i think they might be tobago seasoning. Did you try it yet, does it have heat?
One little peice of advice that maybe might interest you. I currently take graph paper and actually plot out what I am going to plant and where I am going to plant it for the next season. This is nice because not only can always look back at it and see how its all plotted out but I can also use it when everything is in the ground in case I forget what is what. That happened this year and there were only 9 plants (at my girlfriends) but when 6 of them were showing signs of being something I didn't not ask for, I could not remember what they should have been.

I already have my graph made and pretty much done for both gardens but I also know that I have a little room in both to add stuff yet and I have all the seeds ready in bags for the garden at home. :D
Sorry folks, been outta town for the last three days.

So, looks like #4 is still a mystery. Additional observations are:

- Thin skin
- very moist
- fleshy, almost mushy
- cap falls off easily. In fact, it's hard to pick and keep stem on.
- two peppers per node

chillilover said:
I thought they might be naga morich but since you didn't plant any then I guess we know they're not.:) i think they might be tobago seasoning. Did you try it yet, does it have heat?

I just tried it again. Nice heat, but not excessive. Quite moist and kinda fruity, followed by a nice punch after about 10 seconds. Slow burn from the middle of the tongue down the throat. Lasted 5 minutes or so.

crazy8 said:
One little peice of advice that maybe might interest you. I currently take graph paper and actually plot out what I am going to plant and where I am going to plant it for the next season. This is nice because not only can always look back at it and see how its all plotted out but I can also use it when everything is in the ground in case I forget what is what. That happened this year and there were only 9 plants (at my girlfriends) but when 6 of them were showing signs of being something I didn't not ask for, I could not remember what they should have been.

I already have my graph made and pretty much done for both gardens but I also know that I have a little room in both to add stuff yet and I have all the seeds ready in bags for the garden at home. :D

Interesting approach Crazy8. I've got all the graphs and grids and row stuff written down, but I do it AFTER I plant. You plan it ahead of time. I might just give that a try. Thanks.

Well, anybody got any other guesses? Here's and interior pic of this guy.

Thanks again.

I am not even going to try to guess because all the other experts on the forum.

I am just stuck staring at how good they look .....mmmmmmmm...hot peppers.
According to pepperfreak's id of the above peppers my tiny yellow ones are datil. Are they always so small or is it just our crappy weather this year? I got 2 "brain strain" peppers off the entire plant but enough for seeds. Freezing and snow this week so peppers are done now. My harvest of the ones left on the plants was barely enough to cover the bottom of a paper bag. Next year will be better!!!!!
crazy8 said:
All I have to say about all those pics, which look like very amazing pods, is I NEED SEEDS... :lol:

:lol: Crazy. As soon as the harvest is over I start playing with seeds. I'll definately keep you in mind.

imaguitargod said:
#3 is either an Orange Hab or a Scotch Bonnet Burkina.

Thanks Iggy. Orange Hab it is for #3.

Burning Colon said:
I am not even going to try to guess because all the other experts on the forum.

I am just stuck staring at how good they look .....mmmmmmmm...hot peppers.

Thanks BC. I just wish I knew what they are :lol:

pepperfever said:
According to pepperfreak's id of the above peppers my tiny yellow ones are datil. Are they always so small or is it just our crappy weather this year? I got 2 "brain strain" peppers off the entire plant but enough for seeds. Freezing and snow this week so peppers are done now. My harvest of the ones left on the plants was barely enough to cover the bottom of a paper bag. Next year will be better!!!!!

I dunno pepperfever - this is the first year I've grown them. Some are over 2 inches long and 1 inch+ wide though, which ain't bad. I think they're headin' for the sauce pot. I hear 'ya about the weather. I'm guessing the crappy Spring cost me at least 30 days of harvest time. Still a good harvest though.

Noshownate said:

1. lantern? datil
3. O. Hab
4. devil's tongue?

Thanks for guessin Nate. The first three seem to be the consensus. It's #4 that's a mystery. Devil's tongue is a good guess but, unless I got mixed seed, I didn't plant any. Sure would like to figure him out though. I just did the final picking (stripping) for the year and I got a sh*tload of these guys.

Thanks everybody for sharing your expert opinions. It seems like we ended up with:

#1 - Datil
#2 - Fatalii
#3 - Orange Hab
#4 - ?
#5 - Tobago Seasoning

If anybody else wants to share their opinion, that would be most welcomed.

Thanks again everybody.