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A near panic attack...

So even tho we were under a tornado watch and eventual tornado warning all evening last night, I decided to leave all of my potted super hots outside. Mostly because I was lazy but also because I was defiant. You see, I figured since my little fellas had endured the last 30 days of continuous 30 mph winds with regular 60 and 70 mph gusts...why not test them in a potential F5? They may only be 8" and 10" tall but surely by now they have baseball bat trunks under that foliage!

All was well when I went to bed. The tornado business had passed and I slipped into unconciousness without a care in the world. Now, I sleep with a fan blowing much like these recent winds and I also sleep heavily so whatever might or might not happen short of gunfire in my bedroom, I'll be none the wiser until 6AM. Imagine my distress when I awaken to the local news mentioning GOLF BALL sized hail one one side of town and PING PONG BALL sized hail on the other side of town during the night! And here you see is where the panic sets in. As I shot out the back door and rounded the corner of the house, there was a look of terror on the face of the neighbor lady at her kitchen window, because I'm pretty sure my boxers weren't performing their duty adequately. Afterall, I had to see if my future pod bearing punishers were pulverized by giant ice bombs and laying in heaps of death and destruction. I certainly didn't have time to find the robe I NEVER wear when my heart was racing at 220 beats per minute.

Anyway, I grabbed the boxers with one hand and managed a slight neighborly wave with the other as I skidded to stop next to the plants. Oh they were fine...but I'm still taking my blood pressure every 30 minutes. The plants and I both are ready for the miserable calm/hot days of summer. Although they are miserable, they are at least predictable.
lmao..good story. Wonder if your neighbor still has visions in their head of you and your boxers!
Glad the family is all stills standing :)