I have loved spicy food for as long as I can remember <<<<<< Sometimes that's not very long 
Up until about a month ago I thought a ghost pepper was as hot as peppers got, a friend told me about the Carolina Reaper.
Her husband just happen to grow them and she brought me a couple of fresh ones along with a couple of fresh orange Habaneros
and a caution from her husband to be careful with the reapers.
Well I called my son and my daughters boyfriend to come over and we each tried a small piece of the reaper.
With out a doubt the hottest thing we have ever tried hell it made the Habanero feel like a jalapeno!
Her husband had 4 plants a couple that did not do as good as the others so he is only going to over winter 2 and he has offered
to give me one of them
Anyway this seems to be a great place looking forward to learning all I can.

Up until about a month ago I thought a ghost pepper was as hot as peppers got, a friend told me about the Carolina Reaper.
Her husband just happen to grow them and she brought me a couple of fresh ones along with a couple of fresh orange Habaneros
and a caution from her husband to be careful with the reapers.
Well I called my son and my daughters boyfriend to come over and we each tried a small piece of the reaper.
With out a doubt the hottest thing we have ever tried hell it made the Habanero feel like a jalapeno!
Her husband had 4 plants a couple that did not do as good as the others so he is only going to over winter 2 and he has offered
to give me one of them

Anyway this seems to be a great place looking forward to learning all I can.