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A soothing sight.

Just went out to tend to some plants and noticed this little guy.:P



Only 1 so far, in what way do they mate? are they Hermaphrodites? or do I need to have a bunch of different sexes?

EDIT OMG LOL your sig is too funny
Nice pix!

Looks like an Asian ladybug: http://www.cirrusimage.com/beetles_multicolored_Asian_ladybird.htm


Here's your answer from THE ladybug site:

http://www.ladybuglady.com/LadybugsFAQ.htm said:
Q. Are all ladybugs girls?
A. No. There are boy ladybugs and girl ladybugs. It's almost impossible for the average person to tell them apart. But here are some clue that might help. First, females are usually larger than males. Second, if you observe one ladybug riding atop another ladybug, they are in the process of mating. A male ladybug will grab the female's elytra (hard wings) and holds on tight. There are photos on the Ladybugs Mating Page to help you. An entomologist (bug scientist) can see the difference between males and females under a microscope.

Q. What are boy ladybugs called?
A. Boy ladybugs are called ladybugs, too.

Here's yer info on their ermm...mating.

Awesome quad! thanks for the info. Hopefully there's enough food to keep them around, but not enough to hurt my babies! lol
Not sure how or where it came from, but I found one about a week ago inside my grow closet. It hung around for about a week and I never seen it again. I really wish it would have hung around I have a small aphid problem and got some green lace wing eggs, supposidly 2,000 but haven't seen anything in 4 days so I may end up having to get some lady bugs after all.