A ultimate offer to newbies

I will have to check when I get done work tomorrow but everything is coming along well. I'm currently around 60% overall I think, but there's been steady popping over the last 4 days. I have an excel chart that I will post tomorrow that shows the progress.
Screenshot 2017-02-12 16.57.47.png

So here is a chart of my progress so far.
Hi there!!!
Planted mine couple of days ago, the 17/02/2017, just planted 12 varieties, no lamps just ol' good natural sun and now waiting with this warm weather of mine (currently 85F and 60% humidity)

The selection was random:
26 x 3
6 x 3
18 x 2
23 x 3
25 x 3
5 x 3
12 x 3
27 x 3
7 x 3
9 x 3
11 x 3
4 x 3
Will open a new post in the Glog section and will update every sunday, starting today, hopefully I'll complete the table today :) thanks again for the chance :)
Ok finally finished potting up the seedlings.

Out of 77 seeds sown 55 germinated and have been potted up. (71%)
I had #'s 9, 13, 14, 18, & 20 not germinate at all.
If you don't count the 5 varieties that didn't germinate at all you end up at 86% germination rate. 
Anybody else have any updates on how things are going?
That's cool. I'm still getting a hang of growing peppers.  Trying to see what works...soil,nutrients and hydro this year.  In short, I appreciate you sharing what you have to offer with the newbie community.  I had expressed interest in this last year.  Maybe this year I might be considered.  I have read and implemented a few different growing techniques.  Meaning using different mediums of what people on the forum have said has worked.  So, it would be awesome to be chosen to grow some superhots.  I think I have what it takes to document and see results after a certain time period. Afterall, I am a teacher of Elementary School kids.
So that being said, thank you for your consideration in taking on this challenge.  I love a good challenge.
Thank you.
Update on my sow for this offer: I had 6 different varieties germinated.  Unfortunately, a serious storm with 75+mph wind came through our town early Feb 17th and downed many, many trees (we had three fallen) and power lines.  We were without power for almost 4 days (no backup generator).  I lost one of the seedlings and only one new seedling germinated since.  It's a good thing I only sowed one seed for each variety (except for #14, which I sowed both seeds and no germination).  So today, I went through each variety that didn't germinate and re-sowed them all.  Wish me luck and no more power outages, please!
Thanks Paphlady, JoeMay and Zonengorg thus far for your participation.
It is interesting to note that you account for only 50% of those who agreed to participate and have lived up to your end of the bargain.
Grows are looking good so far and will begin to really take off in the next few weeks. Looking forward to see what develops.
It would also be interesting at this time, if you care to gamble. Attempt to identify what you think the seedlings are going to be from the 1st and 2nd sets of true leaves. Post your guesses by seed number at any time you think you can positively ID them.
CAPCOM said:
Thanks Paphlady, JoeMay and Zonengorg thus far for your participation.
It is interesting to note that you account for only 50% of those who agreed to participate and have lived up to your end of the bargain.
Grows are looking good so far and will begin to really take off in the next few weeks. Looking forward to see what develops.
It would also be interesting at this time, if you care to gamble. Attempt to identify what you think the seedlings are going to be from the 1st and 2nd sets of true leaves. Post your guesses by seed number at any time you think you can positively ID them.
Roger that! Even tho I'll only try to guess the Species (Chinense, Baccatum, etc) not the cross per se... that would be like a black hole for me... hahaha
It has been a month since the last post. We should be seeing pods by now, no? :rofl:
All kidding aside though, there should by now be some really interesting plants as well as a guess or two at what they might be.
Here are just a few of the pods from which some of your seed may have come.





CAPCOM said:
It has been a month since the last post. We should be seeing pods by now, no? :rofl:
Actually, I'm picking loads of peppers as I type this note. :drooling:   Ouch, what was that?  Oh, it was just a dream....  :surprised:
I see flower buds on #15 today.  It's the biggest from my first sow.  I've already potted up the ones from sow #1 and will need to put them in bigger pot again next week or so.
The ones from sow #2 are almost big enough to go into 4" pot by next week.
Will update y'all as spring roll into summer.  Stay tuned...
Here is what they all currently look like. Gonna start potting up in the next week or so. Surprisingly all my seedlings have survived, had a couple close calls due to issues with my watering schedule. 

























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