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chinense A very "fishy" Trinidad Scorpion...

I've been sweeping the local swap-meet for various pepper applicable goods and I found something interesting. - thought I'd buy one of those gem shaped fish tanks -it was a good 5 bucks- and gut out the nightlight bulb and have it refit with a set of simple LEDs. Add some organic clay plus one of those 99 cent aqua globe mini's and you'd have a perfect lair for a single Trinidad scorpion to call home.
It has light it has a small heater and a closed off area to grow as well as a lil air stone-even a constant drip o water ...perfect-
If this works I might make more on the same aquarium concept. And you know what it even makes a handsome night light nonetheless!
thanks! If this works I want to try a full fish tank of superhots... As for this one I'm thinking take the top off and give it sun during the day and run the heater and LEDs at night- I'm gonna try feeding it once a week and see if the water dropper does good by by the pepper-
looks awesome!! make sure you let us know how it goes!! If it goes well I might give it a try.. MrMel is in the glass industry and we can make our own cut to size 'fishtanks' :D
Ha, I thought you were going to have a variegated TS...

Have the fish adapted yet or are they still hardening off? ;)

Nice setup.
I added drain holes and a drip pan- drills are so nice000

plant has already hardened off and is now taking in a total of 18 hours of light from both sun and LED

Meh- I'd say just use old fish setups. its a whole lot cheaper and to tell the truth some "very" lovely setups are already laying around for dirt cheap in the flea market. I say this huge wooden one and if it goes well I'm buying it. its like $60 but its one of those show tanks that has become to leaky to house fish.

yupyup and the T scorp is doing great- it's watching dances with wolves with the puppies. -I leave it on so they all thing there's someone at home when I leave.