• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Aaron's keeping it simple grow

Hello everybody! I am a pepper beginner and this is mainly for my own personal use. I want to see how my plants have transformed over the season in an organized manner and a grow log seems like just the right idea! I am using Juanitos for my seeds this year because I have followed his glogs for as long as I can remember. Since I am starting very late I might as well grab some plants.

April 21, 2016



Plants and seeds have arrived! Shortly after arrival I got the plants into their new homes.


Baccto and Top Notch potting soils are what I have to use since the nursery doesnt have my promix yet. I got all three for 3 bucks at a local nursery because the sides were ripped wide open, I compared the weight to the unopened bags and it was extremely close! What a deal :)


Chocolate Brain Strain and Cardi Scorpion


Biquinho and Scotch Bonnett Brain Strain


Orange Bhut Copenhagen and West Indies Red


These three lucky guys get to take a trip to Alabama!

My plants appear to be having a bit of a struggle right now but I am sure they will perk up in no time.
April 30, 2016


The boss is letting them drink up, no fertilizer just yet.




Looking great for only a weeks time! They have been under the porch receiving indirect light this whole time. Let's introduce some sunlight to their lives :)
May 9, 2016


What a root this little fella has!




Got a few more planted with the aid of my waterboy!


My best looking plant so far


This little demon was headed for my plants!
May 10, 2016


Never had a three leafed coty before


Wondering if I should try to separate all three of these ghosts or snip the two babies or just let them rock to see how they compare to the single plant pots
Ohjay said:
Looking good there!
Good luck with this years grow :)
Thanks man!

May, 15

Nothing new as far as the plants go, my red ghost seeds are being a pain in the ass and aren't germinating worth a damn. I got one extra out, I give then one week until I just stick them suckers in a cup with dirt. Rest of my seeds are almost finished but in a week they're all going in the cups regardless :P


Unfortunately a leaf or two on each of my bigger plant has began to turn white with brown specks all over and feel paper thin. I am thinking it is sunburn but strange only one leaf on most plants. Probably going to snip those leaves, not sure of the brown dots. Also a gnarled leaf at the top, blaming the weather as the temps are far from stable the last few weeks. Last year a few leaves did that and it was when the temps fluctuated greatly.
How does that Dyna-gro work for you? I actually have that at home for my wife's indoor citrus trees and never thought of using it on the peppers.
Canes1 said:
How does that Dyna-gro work for you? I actually have that at home for my wife's indoor citrus trees and never thought of using it on the peppers.
All of my seedlings are a nice dark green color however they are only a few weeks old. My bigger plants aren't showing any deficiency so it is working great so far. Now if it will stop raining and let the sunlight get to work everything would be perfect.