adding a little humidity

Someone dear to me told me to put a can of water on my heat vents to bring up humidity(I have natural gas heating)..My plant(mystery pepper)dont like it too kinda makes sence in one sence well besides the cats and the dog drinking them dry lol....any thoughts
It won't be so dry today at +9 celcius but your water trick should help. I put a kettle on the woodstove sometimes or use a humidifier. You can likely install a humidifier on your furnace blower too.
Damn...+9 what a massave change in weather.....good time to scrape the driveway down...guess I know what im doing
I rent so its not my furnace to play with...think ill try that for now then keep an eye out for a humidifer..
Another suggestion would be to put a pan full of gravel under the plant pots. The pot should sit on top of the gravel. Fill the gravel pan with water, and it will increase the humidity around the plant.
I'm busy shoveling snow from on and around the greenhouse. So much weight is starting to warp the whole structure a little and now rain today. I'm sure we'll have lots of white left for Christmas.
Here's a pic of the troubles I have ahead.
your going to be burnt after shoveling all that snow..get a case of beer and a few guys.Mind you let them at the beer after the shoveling is done or it might not happen lol
I keep records of RH% in my greenhouse and it varies from 20% in winter to 90% in summer and it makes very little difference in hydro.

Many chiles are native to the mesa (high desert) where the humidity is very low most of the time.
Is the humidifier working and what kind did you get?
Pam said:
Another suggestion would be to put a pan full of gravel under the plant pots. The pot should sit on top of the gravel. Fill the gravel pan with water, and it will increase the humidity around the plant.
The only thing needing humidity is the human. What part of Willard's next statement didn't you understand?

willard3 said:
I keep records of RH% in my greenhouse and it varies from 20% in winter to 90% in summer and it makes very little difference in hydro.

Many chiles are native to the mesa (high desert) where the humidity is very low most of the time.

Canuk Pepperhead said:
Wooohooo I got my hands on a humidifer!!..Now to get that room up
AlabamaJack said:
Is the humidifier working and what kind did you get?
Dry blowing air is great for pepper plants. It causes massive transpiration, fluid flow, and metabolism. Like Soloflex for your plants.:rolleyes: