misc Advertising campaign ads, did these myself

In an effort to pinch a few pennies I decided to try my hand at my own marketing visuals for Facebook ads...  Looking for thoughts, suggestions, ideas.
Quick info: these ads are targeted to serve people to my website for farming page clicks, and thus, must grab attention on the right side of the screen or news feed, against a white background.
The Campaign is called: Step Up Your Flavor
There are currently two completed that are worthwhile, and I'm doing one for Pizza and Wings.
step up hamburger.PNG

step up pulled pork.PNG

Text on these ads are:
Text above picture (90 char max):
It's time to step up your flavor.  Try Sam & Oliver's Cinder hot sauce.  Get in the game!
Title (25 char max), below picture:
Sam & Oliver's Cinder
News Feed Link Description (200 char max), below title, below picture:
Sam & Oliver's Cinder hot sauce lets you step up your burger game with a true handcrafted, artisan heat.  Taste the difference a gluten-free, Paleo friendly hot sauce can make for your food!
Call to action: (what the button looks like)
Shop Now
Actual ad will look something like this in the news feed.  There will be a small thumbnail version of this on the right hand side of facebook, and will cost me about $255 to run it for 2 months.
Yeah you brought up valid points... and I agree it's pretty shady to use "click farms" but sadly from gaming to like farms, to page hits, to twitter accounts, there are tons of these "gold farmers" - I had to google that... that are just modern day sweat shops packing people in to click on links do repetitive tasks for money on a "plausible deniability" kind of way.
Tell ya what, I'll publish the results at the end of the campaign and see if I made enough to 1) cover the cost of the ad, 2) exceeded it, 3) any other metrics I gleended from it, such as hits, serves, etc.
So the bottom line is, forget Facebook.  The ends did not justify the means.  At all.  Add that to the mysterious clicks that would show up just at the end of each week... not worth it.  I made more sales walking around a flea market and selling cases to vendors than I did with Facebook.  Something suspicious about it all.  Waste of money.
Pretty much validates everything I've read about FB click-based marketing. 
I keep noticing small companies who's pages I follow on FB go from 1500 "likes" to 4000 in less than a week's time - usually the ones who claim they're not paid likes, too. It's taken me the better part of 3 years to build an organic 2000+ following, so pardon me while I call bullshit on that rapid growth. 
Then I see "promoted" posts from those same companies - it's a double whammy of foolishness - buy fake likes for your page then pay to advertise to those fake likes. :doh: 
Step 3 is not "profit" in that situation, which I'm sure is very sad for the underpants gnomes.  Unless you're paying for phantom orders with monopoly money that you give to yourself after such a campaign. :rofl: 
But hey - each to their own. I don't call anyone out - the companies doing it know who they are and maybe they have a purpose for it that I'm not clever enough to see. 