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Advice on pain medication???

Inedible said:
Recently I keep reading about wild lettuce for pain.

Ye, there is an ebook being pushed on  Facebook.  Something like Pioneer Ways or Pioneer Days.  They have been using wild lettuce / lettuce opium as a lead into buy our book and read about all the other medicinal plants.  Frankly, I don't get it as you can buy opium poppy seeds readily.  Although technically illegal to grow in the US, as long as you aI re growing a reasonable amount and the pods are not scored I do not think anyone cares.  Besides, most of those books are for the doomsday prepper types who are interested in information when government fails.  No government means nothing is illegal.

I am in a pain management program.  Looking more for things to ask my doctor about & ways to cope with what he prescribes.  Have learned if I cut the dose in half but double frequency and chase with sea sickness pills, I am OK with what he has me on now.  Well, as long as I don't have to drive.
But I do thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion.  In fact, now thinking about growing it should I ever be unable to afford the prescriptions.  My Rx costs are scary.  So damn expensive to function and stay alive these days.
Inedible said:
We already know that you are a talented gardener, and I bet you could make a really effective extract.

Thank you for the cudos.  Naw, no room for new hobbies.  But you did bring back some youthful memories.