seeds Aerogarden People - Need Help Germinating Pepper Seeds

I recently picked up an Aerogarden LED Ultra and am having trouble germinating seeds. I'm using the "grow anything" pack that comes with empty sponges.
First batch: placed the seeds about 1 inch down the sponges where they are constantly moist, but well above the water line. For the two weeks I let it go without extra heat (figuring inside temps and lights would compensate). After two weeks, I added a heating pad which took the water temp up to 85-90 degrees (top of seed sponge slightly cooler).
Second batch: gave up on first batch after 3 1/2 weeks. Cleaned Aerogarden and restarted fresh seeds with the heat right at startup. Pushed the seeds a bit deeper (~ 1 1/2 inches). It seems like they need to go this deep to fully contact the sponge walls. About a week in with no signs of sprouting.
These are chinense seeds, so maybe I just need to be patient for round 2. But, these same seeds generally pop in about a week or so in a standard germination station so I'm not sure what's going on. 
Any advice? Should I try sprouting in a paper towel first?  Thanks!
 I have had excellent germ rates with my aero . I actually don't heat the water or do anything special . I use the peat plugs they offer and only put the seeds about one half of an inch down . Sounds like you may just have some old or bad seeds . I recently had a flexuosum  sprout in 4 days . 
romy6 said:
 I have had excellent germ rates with my aero . I actually don't heat the water or do anything special . I use the peat plugs they offer and only put the seeds about one half of an inch down . Sounds like you may just have some old or bad seeds . I recently had a flexuosum  sprout in 4 days . 
Thanks. That sounds encouraging. I'll stay the course. Interesting you mention peat plugs for the aero. The "Grow Anything" blanks are definitely a sponge material. I'll have to check out those peat plugs if I have continued issues with germination.
--Edit --
Not sure if you'll see this, so maybe I'll send you a PM. Are you talking about the Aero germination station attachment that sits on top? I'm trying to sprout seeds directly in the cages with little cone sponges.
I've had 4/7 pods sprout from what I planted in mine. I got overly ambitious for my first time and went all wilds lol. I did it the same as romy6, seeds about 1/2 inch deep, using the cages and sponges. Left it on the germination setting until what sprouted was a few inches high, then switched to the high growth setting.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Soon you'll be next
When I get home. I'll make a little video clip
Says the king of Aerogardens around here. I don't know anyone with more than Dennis has.
I use an LED Ultra Aerogarden as well. I just place the seeds on top of the sponge (I don't bury them) and leave the humanity dome on until germination. I don't have any issues.
I only have 4...
@ ryan. I had issues at times. Found if you put seeds just on top. Increased helmet heads. . By burying them a little ....the seedling has help...
plug n play that's all i do with mine, or what dennis said just put it a lil bit deep so that it will moisten the helmets and easier for them to fall off
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
I only have 4...
@ ryan. I had issues at times. Found if you put seeds just on top. Increased helmet heads. . By burying them a little ....the seedling has help...
No helmet head here. I drip water on them if I take the dome off to soften up the seed caps. However, do what works for you.
I have started multiple peppers in my aerogarden. I think you may be putting the seeds too deep. I also use the little peat cones that go into the conical baskets that shipped with the aerogarden. I always push them in juusssssst so you can't see them. Never had it take more than a week to start, never done anything special (heated water, paper towel germ, etc).
Aerogarden ultra led here also.  First time giving it a go with with the 66 spot seed starting tray.  It's been 6 days so far and none of them have popped through the surface but I can see quite a few have germinated so I'm hopeful I'll get a good percentage that take.  When putting the seeds in the sponges I took a toothpick to push them down as far as they would go.  I didn't know any better so we'll see what happens.  FYI I also have a heating mat under the aerogarden with a temp controller set to not exceed 93 degrees.  I've measured the water temp in the unit and it's been between 85 and 90 so far.  We'll see how it goes.  Good luck! 
Too deep.
I soak the sponges overnight in 1/4 to 1/3 strangth nutes, use something small like a toothpick size to make a hole clear through to the bottom, place the seed just in the hole---maybe 1/8 inch-- and sometimes drop a small bit of sterile material in the depression.
I have the older model, I hear the new ones use a different circulation scheme, and I put a small air stone in the bottom to keep things stirred up.
I don't use it for anything other than a 66 seed starter anymore.
Thanks for all the advice - I now have 5/7 up! These are my hybrid seeds, and they probably just needed extra time. I will put them in a bit more shallow in the future. If I continue to grow these in the Aerogarden, is all 7 too much? They would definitely be growing into each other, but have good light and are the same variety (no cross worries). I think I read something about 5 max suggested for peppers and allow for spacing but am not sure how that works.
Yoi would be able to grow.. 2 max ..anything else and water and nutes are crazy. Nigel has ONE and has to add eater every other day
Most people use them to start. Not really to grow tjem there
Roots are a bi*** to get separated when you let them go to big with so many plants ... they all start growing together and you could cause damage trying to separate them for replanting. Even having the baskets that separate into two halves didn't help except for getting the main stalk out of it. I learned my lesson  the hard way :p