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Aerogarden transfer Bhut Jolokia

Hi all. New member, been browsing for a while.

This is my second year of growing hot peppers and my first year was an orange habanero that I seeded from the supermarket.

Over this past winter, using an Aerogarden 7 pro, I started another orange habanero, and a Bhut Jolokia. After these plants got so big, I had to cut the machine apart to get their stems out. Going from hydroponics to soil is also a bit stressful on the plant, and I think that is what aided in the below story of almost losing the plants.

I transplanted them all into pots/buckets in March and kept them near a sliding door. A while went by and aphids decided to take up residence on all of my plants. How aphids got indoors, I have no idea. This took about a month to get rid of, spraying with rubbing alcohol, soap, garden hose, etc.. It was very bad. I decided to throw them outside, and I was being careful and hardening them off slowly, but they kept losing leaves from the aphids. After a while the plants all looked like they'd be a lost cause, so I just left them out and watered them every now and then. They had maybe 5-10 decent leaves each, and looked very bad.

3 Months later, the bhut is doing amazing, with some pods almost ripening. One habanero was reduced to a small bush(first year plant) but is now growing healthy, and the second AG hab is growing very strange, but its producing peppers.

Heres pics of what I have right now. The bhut is better already than the habanero was last year. Last years habanero gave me somewhere around 100+ pods which I turned into flakes and hot sauces. This year should be exciting. I'll be buying a dehydrator and a coffee grinder to make powders.



That first picture you posted is just beautiful!!! Great colors and very nitid.

Oh, and welcome to the forum :welcome:

the aerogarden is what causes them to get that thick.. I've grown dirt peppers(jalepenos and bells) and the stems dont get thicker than 1/2" or so.. These are 1" on my bhut and almost 1" on the weird hab.
I just used the regular 2 tablets recommended for larger plants, plus an extra one.

Can anyone tell me how long it takes from setting to ripening for a bhut jolokia?
dont know why that would be.. Got the seeds from NMSU.

That one pepper is the first one to set on the plant, thus the biggest. All of the others are like the ones you see in the background behind the other larger pepper.

Maybe it is.. we'll see what they look like fully grown and ripened.