Great to see you settling in so quickly. I looked up the Chile Dulce and they sound like good ones. Quite similar in appearance to antep aci dolma with the shape and pleating.
Fatalii has germinated (so far 3/4). Seeds have been stored in the fridge since early 2021, which makes all the difference.
I spotted a small pepper on my Kisin plant. Good news, but the plant itself looks "tired". Mites, high temperatures, dry winds... It was one of the few pepper plants that was moved to our new home.
It seems like mites, high temps, and wind always go together. I seem to get aphids along with the strong winds too.
I looked this up and found pictures at Manantial De Las Flores. The pictures look like they could be of two different varieties, with the shorter pods looking rather chinense and the longer ones more annuum. Looks like you have some good sprouts, despite the HH's. The surgeries must have gone well!Pimiento choco is germinating, but so far all have (or had) helmets on. The first hook appeared at 6 days (25/3). I didn't record the number of seeds I sowed, although I did count them (and I don't recall the number)... I'm very curious about this variety. According to the vendor, it's an annuum variety.
I looked this up and found pictures at Manantial De Las Flores. The pictures look like they could be of two different varieties, with the shorter pods looking rather chinense and the longer ones more annuum. Looks like you have some good sprouts, despite the HH's. The surgeries must have gone well!
Those bag-pots (?) are interesting. Do they have drain holes on the bottom, or how does that work?