• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

AHayastani's GLOG 2022


🌴 Welcome to my GLOG!

🌴 I have a small urban terrace garden where I grow mainly peppers in containers. My location is Chiapas, Mexico. The local climate is tropical with pronounced dry and rainy seasons. The temperatures can sometimes be too much for the plants to bear (especially around Easter), but in general they manage. The climate makes that I can grow peppers year round, although pest pressure is really high. Especially mites are a problem... I apply neem oil copiously, but it does not always work...

🌴 This GLOG will follow my 2022 pepper endeavours. Enjoy 🥵

The first seeds are germinating, and it seems that chile dulce is winning the competition. This is good news, because it means my technique has worked. The bad new is that my old and/or improperly stored seeds probably are bust... The chile dulce seeds were relatively fresh (Oct 2022).

Chile dulce is an annuum and is not related to ají dulce (chinense). Some explanation (en Español) is available in this publication from CICY.
One day later, chile Dulce still doing good 😬 Xkatik is also joining the competition, which is good news. Both are varieties from Yucatan.
Sweet Nariñense is another variety that has popped up (I bought it here, where I sometimes purchase palm seeds). It is supposed to be an annuum from Nariño (🇨🇴), but I couldn't find any relevant information. I searched the USDA GRIN database for annuum ascensions from Colombia and found a few look-alikes.

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My pimiento choco seeds have arrived... Currently soaking 😎

Great to see you settling in so quickly. I looked up the Chile Dulce and they sound like good ones. Quite similar in appearance to antep aci dolma with the shape and pleating.

Quickly? It annoys me it's gowing too slow 😬 After nearly half a year of uncertainty about what/how to do with my garden and accelerating with the handbrake pulled-up, quite the maelstrom is wrecking havoc here 😬 Built-up temper unleashed on MX chaos...

I've grown Antep Aci Dolma before, and even though their looks may be similar, their taste is not. The AAD from my garden had a slight hint of "hotness" (barely stroking my consciousness, convincing it to let it enter my awareness), but the Dulce had none. Also, the Dulce I tried had a very profound chile flavour that is not present in bell peppers. I hope I can reproduce this flavour, and that it's not typical for the growing conditions of the Yucatan peninsula (hotter, drier, and rocky compared to my climate).
Fatalii has germinated (so far 3/4). Seeds have been stored in the fridge since early 2021, which makes all the difference.


I spotted a small pepper on my Kisin plant. Good news, but the plant itself looks "tired". Mites, high temperatures, dry winds... It was one of the few pepper plants that was moved to our new home.

Fatalii has germinated (so far 3/4). Seeds have been stored in the fridge since early 2021, which makes all the difference.


I spotted a small pepper on my Kisin plant. Good news, but the plant itself looks "tired". Mites, high temperatures, dry winds... It was one of the few pepper plants that was moved to our new home.


It seems like mites, high temps, and wind always go together. I seem to get aphids along with the strong winds too.
Germination of the "properly stored" seeds is OK: Fatalii (4/4), Sweet Nariñense (3/5), Dulce (10/10), Xkatik (7/10). I have sown a batch of fridge-stored seeds from SLP, fingers crossed.


I still had some dried chile from my visit to Yucatan and removed some seeds. I didn't bother to count... Chile país is the Spanish name for chawa, a pepper that is traditionally used to prepare recado negro. Chile teja is another name for chile de arbol.
Germination of Xkatik is now 9/10 😎

A few new arrivals at the pepper club:

Pimiento choco is germinating, but so far all have (or had) helmets on. The first hook appeared at 6 days (25/3). I didn't record the number of seeds I sowed, although I did count them (and I don't recall the number)... I'm very curious about this variety. According to the vendor, it's an annuum variety.


The first baccatums are showing up. They really are taking their time and testing my patience.

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Pimiento choco is germinating, but so far all have (or had) helmets on. The first hook appeared at 6 days (25/3). I didn't record the number of seeds I sowed, although I did count them (and I don't recall the number)... I'm very curious about this variety. According to the vendor, it's an annuum variety.
I looked this up and found pictures at Manantial De Las Flores. The pictures look like they could be of two different varieties, with the shorter pods looking rather chinense and the longer ones more annuum. Looks like you have some good sprouts, despite the HH's. The surgeries must have gone well!
I looked this up and found pictures at Manantial De Las Flores. The pictures look like they could be of two different varieties, with the shorter pods looking rather chinense and the longer ones more annuum. Looks like you have some good sprouts, despite the HH's. The surgeries must have gone well!

Yes, annuum <> chinense currently is the dilemma. Baccatums don't tend to germinate in 6d here, at least not in my hands. I hope it will be annuum because my planned growth is already saturated with chinense.
I harvested a few peppers from a plant with unknown ID that made the move with the rest of the family. I now know it's a Bahamian Goat ☺️ Their size isn't what it should be, but I blame the move and changed environmental conditions during fruit formation. The flavour isn't what it should be either (they are considerably less hot then they should be), but my palate nonetheless ascribes the flavour palette to Bahamian Goat.


Xkatik and Dulce are ready for transplant. The fun can begin.


Pimiento Choco and Chawa are doing fine, but still no sighting of Teja hooks.

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Some SLP seeds purchased in 2018 and since then stored in the fridge are still germinating well (Scotch Bonnet MOA and Ají Ecuadorian Orange).

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Heroes and zer0es side by side. No Tejas for me this year, I'm affraid. Too goddamn stubborn... Chawa won't be a problem. Just to be clear, there is no relation with the chawa from Pakistan offered by Fatalii Seeds.


There won't be any shortage of Jamy and Brown Jalapeño either ☺️ (by accident really... all seeds had fallen from their baggies onto the medium 😒).


I've been busy transplanting: Dulce (6), Xkatik (4), Sweet Nariñense (2), Fatalii (3), Pimiento Choco (2). The heat is on 🎶 !!!


Things are looking awesome! Excepting for zeroes, which definitely should have situated themselves somewhere other than right next to the Chawa.
The first crate of plantlets is full. I transplanted a few new varieties: Peppapeach (1), SRP Stripey (2), and Ají Ecuadorian Orange (3). Meanwhile, the plantlets I transplanted last weekend are taking off. They currently are at the N side of the terrace at a bright location that doesn't receive any direct sun.



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