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AJDrew and positive thoughts needed

I'm rooting for you Drew. You will beat this!
On a side note, I had bronchitis twice in a year. It's a step below pneumonia.
I know you will beat this and be back with your peppers soon!
Have not read the thread more than enough to say I am flattered and grateful for all the well wishes.  I am at home now.  O2, breathing treatments, pain medication, antibiotics and all the trappings of the hospital but at home. I meet my new home nurses in the AM.  Lost another toe and section of foot so thinking flip flops are out this year.

Did not expect to be hospitalized, so store was left up and seed orders delayed.  If you are one of the folk who ordered while I was in hospital, I promise I will be on orders first thing in morning and will be adding many extra as an apology.

Great news!
Glad you are home, it wasn't sounding good there for a bit so it's good to see you here in person!
And flip flops are overrated. :runsoutofroomandshutsthedoor:
ajdrew said:
Have not read the thread more than enough to say I am flattered and grateful for all the well wishes.  I am at home now.  O2, breathing treatments, pain medication, antibiotics and all the trappings of the hospital but at home. I meet my new home nurses in the AM.  Lost another toe and section of foot so thinking flip flops are out this year.

Did not expect to be hospitalized, so store was left up and seed orders delayed.  If you are one of the folk who ordered while I was in hospital, I promise I will be on orders first thing in morning and will be adding many extra as an apology.

No flipflops you need to protect those feet! glad you're home
ajdrew said:
Have not read the thread more than enough to say I am flattered and grateful for all the well wishes.  I am at home now.  O2, breathing treatments, pain medication, antibiotics and all the trappings of the hospital but at home. I meet my new home nurses in the AM.  Lost another toe and section of foot so thinking flip flops are out this year.
Did not expect to be hospitalized, so store was left up and seed orders delayed.  If you are one of the folk who ordered while I was in hospital, I promise I will be on orders first thing in morning and will be adding many extra as an apology.
So Glad your home Brother the Old Bastards Club wasn't the same without ya!! sorry to here about the foot my friend but glad that its on the mend. Take your time and don't push yourself. Im sure any customers here at THP are more concerned about your health than orders and will be Happy to wait. I"m sure your friends and famliy will be glad to help till your recovered.

Rest and get better Brother we've all missed you and you warm sense of humor around here and look forward to talking but Get Some Rest!!
Welcome back. I've missed your posts... between your humor and your thoughts, you've made me guffaw -- or stop, and actually think -- quite a few times.

Can't wait to see your next topic OP.