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seed-plant-vendors ajdrew

One of the members sent me a box of plants Monday,after seeing where I had got screwed by a vendor. Got the box today. Plants were in good condition.There was a little leaf drop. That's to be expected. Packaging was nice and secure,no damage to the plants at all. Have them in some Ocean Forest right now. I'd recommend you to anyone. Thank you for your kindness ajdrew.
Thank you kindly.  On fast shipping, it is a funny thing.  I am slow getting around so this really is not bragging.  I started shipping on Saturdays because I am overwhelmed.  I pick, pack, and ship same day.  If I do not ship on Saturdays, I would have to do three days of orders every Monday morning.  I would fall over and die.  Again, not saying I am doing some oh my god volume.  I am just slow.
Carolina Reapers are coming in a handful at a time, lots of plants, lots of pods, but they are always really late to mature.  That and it is still fairly early season for most peppers here.  The only thing that is really cranking are red sav. and fatalii.  Not sure what will happen when things start coming ripe more rapidly, but going to do my best.

Again, thank you for the kind words and becoming a patron.
Just received my sfrb of red fatalii that I won in a contest held by Dr. Pepper. Found in this thread:

Let me just say that it's a good sign when you shake the box and there is absolutely no rattling going on; this box was loaded with beautiful pods! 28, by my count, perfectly ripe, with a brilliant color and texture. Good size to them, as well.

Thanks to AJ for a fine representation of what that KY mojo can do, and thanks to Dr. Pepper for the contest!

Edit to add photo.
Grant, I still don't get why folk think I object to the term.  I rather like it and think our economy would be doing a great deal better if we relied on many small farms rather than a handful of factory farms.  Not long ago, the US almost lost something like two thirds of its auto industry nearly over night.  Everyone wigged out.  Tax money was used to prop the various automobile producers up.  Imagine what would happen if the same sort of financial buffoonery we to befall the huge corporations and their factory farms.  Hell, if Walmart and Krogers closed their doors most of the people in our nearest city would starve.  So I feel complimented when someone uses the term cottage industry to describe the commercial aspect of our homestead.
I remember a conversation here on THP where a grower was bragging how he was the biggest this and the biggest that.  I thought damn, must be compensating for something.  We are not the biggest at anything.  If things continue to do well, I will probably go the Jim Duffy route and hire neighborhood kids.  Heard him say that in one of his videos and was very impressed. 

i'm a fan of indie and local shit, i meant it as a compliment.

did you see i'm brewing a beer in the next weeks using a total indie yeast (see bootleg biology's arlingtonesis) and hop cone's that will be coming from freeportbum?

i like cottage.
Grant, by any chance to you visit arts and craft shows?  Independent artists are what attracted me to Renaissance Festivals back in the day.  Today, they are mostly flea markets that you have to pay to get into.  Very sad. 
Yeah, the medieval fair has been happening here in town, for as long as I've been alive ...

Even had to make a costume to attend w/ history class one year, lol ...

Mmm, turkey leg!

Root beer root ...
I just got my package today! Thanks AJ. What are the one's that at unmarked that look like gusano peppers? The small thin caterpillar looking one's?

I chopped up 2 red fatalli, one red savina, and one yellow devil's tongue for dinner and I'm totally on fire. Those yellow devil's tongue peppers are HOT!!!
nattyman, I try to pick, pack, and ship the first weekday after an order.  Two did not go out till this AM because my legs just said no more on Saturday.  But I had non-birthday specials to get out, so I did make my 50 boxes in a day goal.  Made me feel very good about the age and challenges.
wrinklenuts, I am sorry.  There should have been a note in there that explained.  Those are packing peanuts.  After I put the big peppers in there, I shoved little ones in the cracks.  Those are kind of an unknown.  They were supposed to be naga viper a few years ago, but grew small, upright, and in three different colors.  Since then, have been trying to selectively seed save to get the colors separate.  No luck.  I call them standing vipers, but for all I know the original seed stock was just mixed up.  I do not know if they are something new or not.

I had other really small peppers that I used to fill the space between the larger pods, but ran out as the day went on.  Some folk got the extra bits and some did not.  I think next year I am going to grow more really small peppers and then use them like packing peanuts.
GB4, yours must have been one of the ones I packed after I ran out of the tiny peppers I was using as packing peanuts.  I am sorry.  The packing peanut peppers was a last minute thought.  I love some of the smaller peppers but it is unrealistic to sell them by mail or even label them.  So what I am doing for next year is grow tons of the smaller cute little things, using one type as packing peanuts, and including a note that says what they are and why I included them.  The idea being the selection of small peppers would be random, one type per box, but no matter what you order you have no idea what the bonus is.
my poor camera skills don't do the boxes justice. They were packed pretty tight.I counted them and I received 80 pods. Heck of a deal for $20 shipped! I'm happy.