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flavor Aji Brain taste

Pulled the ripest pod off the Aji Brain cross today. As soon as I split it you could smell a very pleasant citrus odor. Pulled the seeds with 10 in total and tasted half the pod. It had an interesting fruity/citrus flavor that I have not tasted before. Different than the Aji Limons I am growing this year or the ones I tested last season. Far from being a super hot, I would compare the heat to my Caribbean Reds. I like :dance: :dance: :dance:



Is that a normal amount of seeds?

All of the (few) pepper types I've had the privilege of cutting open to eat have had tons of seeds.
I'm pretty sure that if it was an f1 cross then it would take on the dominant red color of the brain-strain
I'm pretty sure that if it was an f1 cross then it would take on the dominant red color of the brain-strain

You are right, Potawie. Furthermore it should not be possible for nature to break this barrier, i.e. this interspecific cross should not be possible without artificial in vitro methods. Korean researchers did it to introduce a disease resistance gene into cap. annuum:https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jsbbs/56/1/56_1_31/_pdf

This is very interesting, could you post a shot of a flower alongside one of the fruits?
These are a cross from rom6 and are not as yellow as a Aji Limon (hard to tell in photo). They seem to almost have a tinge of orange in them. Here is a photo of the second mature pod that I just picked today. The other pods are still small and green but I will try to get a flower photo of them in a few days. As with the other first one this pod only had a small number of seeds (8).



