baccatum Aji White Lightning Bolt

I'm starting this thread so if anyone is wondering what aji white lightning bolt is. I have added these seeds to the trump seed train and will be adding more to another seed train soon.

To those that do not know, last season I received some seeds from a seed train - THP member Bpiela.

They were labeled aji penec, but once they grew out we figured it was either a cross or possibly a mutation. (It's been racking my brain trying to figure out who the dad is.)LOL
Greatfully, we finally figured it out.

(Aji Penec X Aji Melocoton.)
These pods have there own unique shapes to them. They start off as a VERY light green and start turning an off whitish color, then if left long enough, they turn a creamish or very light peachish color. Some not all started to develop a purple hue to the pods only in the late season, around August or september +.
There's VERY little seeds in each pod. I have never noticed any soapy after taste in these. They have a great flavor and have medium baccatum heat.

I've never eaten either aji penec or aji melocoton, so I cannot compare them to this cross.

Below Are Some pictures snd some pods From the plant I grew this season.

Modest progress under the Ghetto Growlights.  The dirt I used was a tired and they may need a bit of food (see some of the other plants' older leaves) but they otherwise look reasonably healthy.   A bit more fish soup should green them up. 
my first batch had zero pops. when i put them on a piece of paper and shined a flashlight through the bottom they were all empty. LP thought they may have come from immature fruit and not developed yet. my second batch every one popped. just planted my tenth one and dumped 4 or 5 wet ones from the tray as i figure 10 is enough and they were wet too long to try saving.
Got a surprise in the mail today - more lightning seeds!
I'll plant a 2nd round, and also try to find some local growers who might want to grow them out.
Thanks, Steve! 
FYI, the extra padding in the envelope caused it to arrive with postage due.  No biggie, but thought you'd want to know.
Thanks friend these look like the ones I got from the first batch. I only put 3 in to sprout and first one boomed grew fast and the second sprout was week yet kicking and screaming. Third one died took long time to drop seed shell and died soon after all three sprouted if I would have kept the seed shell moist may have helped


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stettoman said:
They're all in Greg. Soaked in naptha & denatured alcohol for a night then straight into the pellet.
Sounds like you're trying to kill them! Or yourself? Please explain......
The MSDSs for various vendors are also indicative of the non-specific nature of the product and reflect the considerations due for a flammable mixture of hydrocarbons: flammability, carcinogenicity, skin and airway irritation, etc.
People can be exposed to naphtha in the workplace by breathing it in, swallowing it, skin contact, and eye contact. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set the permissible exposure limit for naphtha exposure in the workplace as 100 ppm (400 mg/m3) over an 8-hour workday. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has set a recommended exposure limit (REL) of 100 ppm (400 mg/m3) over an 8-hour workday. At levels of 1000 ppm, 10% of the lower explosive limit, naphtha is immediately dangerous to life and health.
Denatured alcohol
Despite its poisonous content, denatured alcohol is sometimes consumed as a surrogate alcohol. This potentially can result in blindness or death if it contains methanol. For instance, during American prohibition, Federal law required methanol in domestically manufactured industrial alcohols. On Christmas Day 1926 and the two following days, which was roughly at the midpoint of the "Great Experiment" of nationwide alcohol prohibition, 31 people in New York City alone died of methanol poisoning. To help prevent this, denatonium is often added to give the substance an extremely bitter flavor. Substances such as pyridine are added to give the mixture an unpleasant odor, and agents such as syrup of ipecac may also be included to induce emesis (vomiting).
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Sounds like you're trying to kill them! Or yourself? Please explain......
The MSDSs for various vendors are also indicative of the non-specific nature of the product and reflect the considerations due for a flammable mixture of hydrocarbons: flammability, carcinogenicity, skin and airway irritation, etc.
People can be exposed to naphtha in the workplace by breathing it in, swallowing it, skin contact, and eye contact. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set the permissible exposure limit for naphtha exposure in the workplace as 100 ppm (400 mg/m3) over an 8-hour workday. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has set a recommended exposure limit (REL) of 100 ppm (400 mg/m3) over an 8-hour workday. At levels of 1000 ppm, 10% of the lower explosive limit, naphtha is immediately dangerous to life and health.
Denatured alcohol
Despite its poisonous content, denatured alcohol is sometimes consumed as a surrogate alcohol. This potentially can result in blindness or death if it contains methanol. For instance, during American prohibition, Federal law required methanol in domestically manufactured industrial alcohols. On Christmas Day 1926 and the two following days, which was roughly at the midpoint of the "Great Experiment" of nationwide alcohol prohibition, 31 people in New York City alone died of methanol poisoning. To help prevent this, denatonium is often added to give the substance an extremely bitter flavor. Substances such as pyridine are added to give the mixture an unpleasant odor, and agents such as syrup of ipecac may also be included to induce emesis (vomiting).
Heh heh heh, no seeds will be harmed in the making of my humor....I guess it's a bleed-off from the aji lemon drop throwdown thread. Geonerd and a few of us give colorful advice to each other, sometimes I can't help myself.... :dance:  :party:  :rofl: