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AJs 2009 Grow List


I ended up not planting as many different varieties as I did last year, but added a lot more tomato varieties, plus a lot more herbs...this is a list of the seeds planted and not the number of plants I will have...I want about 400 hot pepper plants, the rest will be sold or given away....

There will be 4 different sections of my yard for hot peppers...will have a superhot section, a Jalapeno/Cayenne/Serrano section, a scotch bonnet section, and a "other" section...


caroltlw said:
I see you're growing a lot of the same peppers I am. Are most of these choices for your secret recipes?

you know I can't keep a secret... :lol:

I tried to grow a range of peppers from no heat to superhot...if you look at Stillmans new thread he started about different peppers having a different burn for different parts of the mouth/palate, I am looking to create the "complete" burn based on the different capsaicinoid content of the different peppers...

When I started raising peppers and tomatos about 8 or 9 years ago, I wanted to make fresh Pico de Gallo out of my garden...this will be the first year that I have grown all the ingredients...including onions...

just remembered...my planting is still not over but the others will be started outside in about 2-3 weeks...will have bird house gourds, Luffa, 3 different kinds of cucumbers, 3 different kinds of squash, eggplant, broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, and corn...

Plus the flowers for our beds/hanging baskets...still hve to plant them inside...

this is going to be a fun year...
AlabamaJack said:
if you look at Stillmans new thread he started about different peppers having a different burn for different parts of the mouth/palate, I am looking to create the "complete" burn based on the different capsaicinoid content of the different peppers..

Yeah, I like that type of thinking. I have a jalapeno that I'm naming "delayed burn". You have someone bight into it and they say it's 'not hot at all - like a bell pepper' then you start counting out loud and by the time you get to 5, they're screaming and spitting it out. Wimps!
AlabamaJack said:
When I started raising peppers and tomatos about 8 or 9 years ago, I wanted to make fresh Pico de Gallo out of my garden. <...>

It all seemed so innocent back then, didn't it? A few plants here, one or two over there. We all think we won't be the one who can't handle it, that we can stop any time we want.


just remembered...my planting is still not over but the others will be started outside in about 2-3 weeks...will have bird house gourds, Luffa,
Ok, you do know how those luffas run, right? The first time I grew them, I thought someone had played a joke on me and given me kudzu instead.
Pam said:
It all seemed so innocent back then, didn't it? A few plants here, one or two over there. We all think we won't be the one who can't handle it, that we can stop any time we want.


just remembered...my planting is still not over but the others will be started outside in about 2-3 weeks...will have bird house gourds, Luffa,{/quote]

Ok, you do know how those luffas run, right? The first time I grew them, I thought someone had played a joke on me and given me kudzu instead.

you are exactly right Pam...never in my wildest imagination would I have thought I would be raising so many pepper plants...and now, I am starting to see what grows well here in north Texas including veggies...

yup...know about the gourds..I have about 80 feet of fenceline in the back and am going to set up trellis for these and the cucumbers...I want to stop people from looking through my fence to see what I have in my back yard...

cmpman1974 said:
Great list AJ. :) I can't wait to see your final result this year!


thanks Chris...I am looking forward to a hopefully good harvest this year...I can only hope it was as good as last years was...

caroltlw said:
Yeah, I like that type of thinking. I have a jalapeno that I'm naming "delayed burn". You have someone bight into it and they say it's 'not hot at all - like a bell pepper' then you start counting out loud and by the time you get to 5, they're screaming and spitting it out. Wimps!

I might try and talk you into saving me a few of those seeds Carol...and if there are any seeds you need that I have, let me know...
AlabamaJack said:
I might try and talk you into saving me a few of those seeds Carol...and if there are any seeds you need that I have, let me know...

I doubt a true chilihead would find them as hot. I like them because they're sneaky. I do have loads of extra seeds from last year's plants.
AlabamaJack said:
you are exactly right Pam...never in my wildest imagination would I have thought I would be raising so many pepper plants...and now, I am starting to see what grows well here in north Texas including veggies...

Yeah, it's fun to try new things along side the peppers. I have enjoyed having eggplants the last two years, but I don't think I would go hog wild on them like I do tomatoes and peppers. Actually, I *can't* go hog wild on anything else until I can clear that last back part of the yard and expand the garden that way.

yup...know about the gourds..I have about 80 feet of fenceline in the back and am going to set up trellis for these and the cucumbers...I want to stop people from looking through my fence to see what I have in my back yard...

No ogling of AJ's peppers, huh?

Do you chaperon their little peppery dates so no unauthorized cross pollinating occurs?
caroltlw said:
I doubt a true chilihead would find them as hot. I like them because they're sneaky. I do have loads of extra seeds from last year's plants.

I love Jalapenos...and the wife can't take the superhots, however she is starting to like they Orange Hab burn...

Pam said:
Yeah, it's fun to try new things along side the peppers. I have enjoyed having eggplants the last two years, but I don't think I would go hog wild on them like I do tomatoes and peppers. Actually, I *can't* go hog wild on anything else until I can clear that last back part of the yard and expand the garden that way.

No ogling of AJ's peppers, huh?

Do you chaperon their little peppery dates so no unauthorized cross pollinating occurs?

get busy and finish clearing Pam...it's getting spring time...

Nope, no ogling of my peppers...last year, I was in the back yard fiddlin' with my plants...I looked up and there had to be a 75 yo woman peering OVER my fence...her husband was holding her...I just tipped my cap to her and kept on messin' with the plants...it must have embarassed her 'cause she ducked behind the fence real quickly..

I didn't isolate any plants last year, but I plan to this year...the most isolation I had was all the superhots (Bhuts, Bihs, Dorsets, and Nagas) were in an area all to themselves...I think I will try the "tulle" thing this year...
I might need to ask the wife first... :lol:

you are welcome anytime....

I don't do anything except work, play gigs, and tend my garden...I must be getting old or something...and in 5 weeks and 18 days I will only play gigs and tend my garden....
Nice list AJ. Just curious how many are NEW to your garden this year and how many are repeats from previous years. I like looking at peoples "repeat" list because folks generally don't grow 'em again if they didn't like 'em the first time:).
:shocked: but :cool:
only question to ya AJ
when are you gonna realize your property is just not big enough, & you'll have to breakdown & buy a place with a couple acres, then build your own big greenhouse & huge garden on the property :lol::P
AlabamaJack said:
I might need to ask the wife first... :lol:

you are welcome anytime....

I don't do anything except work, play gigs, and tend my garden...I must be getting old or something...and in 5 weeks and 18 days I will only play gigs and tend my garden....

Your wife will love me:lol:I will cook for her evry night!:)
That is a great and impressive list of peppers! Wish you much success with your growing endeavors in 2009.

I am also very interested to hear about your results with the Foodarama Scotch Bonnett variety:P!!!
thanks all...

CH...if I get any more land I would have to hire help...this years garden is going to be the biggest I have ever grown (and the most work)....

I haven't tried the Foodarama Scotch Bonnet before...I heard Potawie and I think Pam talking about it last year and when I was ordering seeds, I came across it and ordered some...