AJs 2010 Season Start

that 5" deep container holds close to twice as much potting soil as the ones I have does and what i use is $9 for 40 qts...I think the ones I am using are only 2 3/4" deep or so....now for my own plants, that would be cool and allow me longer between transplants
AlabamaJack said:
that 5" deep container holds close to twice as much potting soil as the ones I have does and what i use is $9 for 40 qts...I think the ones I am using are only 2 3/4" deep or so....now for my own plants, that would be cool and allow me longer between transplants

Exactly what I had in mind for my plants (next year), too late for this season and I need a larger grow box. :lol:

The 3.5" x 3.5" pots they have are the same volume as those you linked and at a lower price. Just thought I'd mention it.
Yeah AJ, those Kord pots you bought are the best, IMO. They're very sturdy and last for several years. I've got some 2 1/2" I've been using for 4 years now and they still look like new. I also bought 800 of the 3.5" with trays - they were delivered last week. They are nice.

That being said, if I was a seller, I'd look at the TLC line. I've used them as well and it is a very good pot, but not quite up to the Kord. But, you're reselling it so who cares, lol? And, with the Kords at a nickel a pop more, it can get expensive when you're talking hundreds (or thousands:)) of pots.

Lastly, it might surprise you, but there's a BIG difference between 3 1/4" and 3 1/2". That extra half inch adds significant area for root development. If you're gonna grow lots of plants AND be able wholesale or turn them all in a week or so, that's great. But if it's gonna take two or three or four weeks to sell them, you might want the extra root room. I'm sure you don't want to pot up again :lol:.

Silver_Surfer said:
Exactly what I had in mind for my plants (next year), too late for this season and I need a larger grow box. :lol:

The 3.5" x 3.5" pots they have are the same volume as those you linked and at a lower price. Just thought I'd mention it.

cool SS...thanks for the heads up...

DownRiver said:
Yeah AJ, those Kord pots you bought are the best, IMO. They're very sturdy and last for several years. I've got some 2 1/2" I've been using for 4 years now and they still look like new. I also bought 800 of the 3.5" with trays - they were delivered last week. They are nice.

That being said, if I was a seller, I'd look at the TLC line. I've used them as well and it is a very good pot, but not quite up to the Kord. But, you're reselling it so who cares, lol? And, with the Kords at a nickel a pop more, it can get expensive when you're talking hundreds (or thousands:)) of pots.

Lastly, it might surprise you, but there's a BIG difference between 3 1/4" and 3 1/2". That extra half inch adds significant area for root development. If you're gonna grow lots of plants AND be able wholesale or turn them all in a week or so, that's great. But if it's gonna take two or three or four weeks to sell them, you might want the extra root room. I'm sure you don't want to pot up again :lol:.


thanks for the info DR...good thing I reread your middle paragraph....underlined...I thought we were going illegal there for a minute....replace the L with an H in TLC and reread it... :rofl:
Grimus said:
hahaha sounds very dodgy! just one letter changes that paragraph a whole lot

you bet it does....

OK....I got 136 transplanted today....66 Billy Bikers and 70 Jalapeno Ms...that should equate to right at $200...I know it's not much, but it will pay for one months electricity I am burning with my grow operation...Mrs. AJ has already claimed it.... :lol:

It has been a good day...got a bunch more to transplant tomorrow and Sunday....serranos and sweet bananas....maybe a few chinense...

I thought you weren't growing jalapeneo M's anymore AJ, didn't they do poorly for you in the past?

they were left over from last year and are going to be sold...I won't grow any for myself...and what doesn't sell, I will trash...I did get 70-72 to germinate and grow....

they just don't have the heat that the Bikers do IMO but for nonpepperheads like ourselves, they should do the trick...
I may bug you for some seeds at the end of the season AJ
I didn't buy any Biker Billy seeds this year, but I really want to grow out some "?f2" seeds again next year and see if they really are hybrids. I've only grown out 1 in the past and it appeared to be just like the "?f1"
I've found that many jal(and other)varieties which are labelled as hybrids actually aren't and I assume they label these seeds this way to get repeat sales
you will be welcome to what I have P...anytime my friend...and I will even try and isolate some for you... ;)

short transplant day for me today....only got 39 Serranos...will have to start more seeds...maybe half a tray...I want 50 to sell...so that brings my transplant total to 175....
He is a machine, never retired just works out in the grow-rage. Good thing you have that planting table because if you did it like I do your back would be aching. That is close to my limit as the number of plants I will move from the cell trays and I know how tiresome and tedious transplanting is, haven't even started. Good for you AJ following your Exotic Super Hots plant sales, really think you have found your niche. People can buy jalapeno or serrano just about anywhere, but will buy from you instead. No need to push the super hots.
thanks Patrick and Cappy...I sure do love to grow peppers...

almost got the grow area filled up with transplants...have transplanted 388 so far....so I am about half way thru with transplanting the first round of seedlings...I have to expand somewhere and told the wife I was going to convert some of the shelves in my computer room to grow area for the seedlings...I can make 32 linear feet of 2 foot wide grow area that will hold another 576 seedlings...I will convert it to grow area 4 linear feet at the time...since it is in the house, I won't have to worry about the heat...will be constant 70F.....
AlabamaJack said:
...I have to expand somewhere and told the wife I was going to convert some of the shelves in my computer room to grow area for the seedlings....

hahah I love it. I am assuming this is one of many steps to eventually turn it into a grow room.
Did I mention Mrs AJ Rocks?

Well, after thinking about the additional cost associated with 24 more shop fixtures with a total of 48 bulbs and 1920 additional watts (read $5.50 a day) with the computer room expansion, I told the wife about an alternative solution...the front window in our house faces due south and the sun warms that room greatly...it is in the formal living room......soooooo...I sheepishly asked her if I could use that window for plants and guess what....she said OK, I can for 2 months...

so here is a picture of 210 plants (fifteen 18 container holders) and I still have room to go one more level higher...and that will give me room for 7 more trays...so I can have a total of 316 plants in the living room...

Mrs AJ truly loves me....

So how much do you sell each plant for? I am going thinking about doing the farmers market with some of mine because I have WAY more than I can plant, just not sure on what is a fair price. Anyways, your plants are looking great AJ, keep the pics coming...
WOW - just finished reading all of the 137 posts in this thread. And to think, I thought I had something going on with my little paper towel & ziplock bag operation.

I'll be sending an SASE tomorrow. I'd love to get some of the wild Chiltepins - do you have others beyond the Wild Waco Tepin? Do you have photos of the pods?

I bought the small round Chiltepins in Nogales many years ago, still have the bag. The seeds are tiny. I'm not sure if they'll grow or not.
Awesome setup as usual, Jack- I'm going to be posting up pics of my germ box when I get home. I'm sure you'll approve ;)
That electricity bill has got to be tearing you up. Of course you can't do much about the lights, but have you priced out propagation mats rather than lights for root heat? I know it's got to be less damage on the electricity bill. Right now in my germ box I've got a single 20W Hydrofarm seedling heat mat sitting on mylar-covered 2" styrofoam that heats 2 seed trays- I laid a sheet of 16 gauge aluminum between the heat mat and the two trays to radiate the heat evenly to both trays. I keep the heat mat thermostat set at 75°F, and have my fluorescents on an 18 hour timer- the soil is 75°F when the lights are off and gets up to about 86°F when the fluorescents are on, which seems like a good thermal cycle. The germ box is in a garage that is set at 50°F. Once the soil is up to temperature the mat hardly uses any power at night and none when the lights are on. The 20"x20" Hydrofarms are 50W, but the larger commercial grade units are all about 20W per square foot and way cheaper per square foot than the Hydrofarm units.
I'm thinking about getting a couple of these this year- $100 a pop but I'm guessing they would knock the hell out of a heating bill.
AlabamaJack said:
Well, after thinking about the additional cost associated with 24 more shop fixtures with a total of 48 bulbs and 1920 additional watts (read $5.50 a day) with the computer room expansion, I told the wife about an alternative solution...the front window in our house faces due south and the sun warms that room greatly...it is in the formal living room......soooooo...I sheepishly asked her if I could use that window for plants and guess what....she said OK, I can for 2 months...

so here is a picture of 210 plants (fifteen 18 container holders) and I still have room to go one more level higher...and that will give me room for 7 more trays...so I can have a total of 316 plants in the living room...

Mrs AJ truly loves me....


Hehe, your peppers are taking over the house now. :) I see a large greenhouse in your future.

Since space is precious you might consider dropping down to a 3" pot allowing 28 plants per tray. With as many trays as you start the extra 10 per tray would add up. ITML makes a 3 x 5.5 pot (33cu in) with a 21 1/8" x 12" matching trays (They are the manufacturers of both Kord and TLC brands). That's a little more mix per pot, but I believe the added plants per tray as well as the longer plant support for those delayed plant sales would more than offset the cost of the additional medium. http://www.itml.com/products.php?g=2&p=57

Plants are lookin good!