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AJ's Back Yard Nutrient Station

Looks Great AJ. And to think my G/F just said to me (I have 15 plants 1 Light some dirt and some food) today "you are getting carried away with this pepper growing thing". :lol:
AJ, that's plain awesome dude. no fancy gidgets just straight useful and well placed plumbing no doubt.
could you describe what you put on top of each barrel? the screen type looking stuff, did you get that at HD?
teh purple penguins said:
AJ, that's plain awesome dude. no fancy gidgets just straight useful and well placed plumbing no doubt.
could you describe what you put on top of each barrel? the screen type looking stuff, did you get that at HD?
Looks like a filter to me.
TPP...the screen on top of the barrels is just plain lightweight aluminum window screen...cheap, but effective...

Morning Omri...yes, the screen is to filter most of the junk out and keep any leaves, grass, etc. out that would settle in the bottom of the barrels..
AlabamaJack said:
TPP...the screen on top of the barrels is just plain lightweight aluminum window screen...cheap, but effective...

Morning Omri...yes, the screen is to filter most of the junk out and keep any leaves, grass, etc. out that would settle in the bottom of the barrels..
Is it morning for you? already the after noon here.
Looks good AJ but you might want to store your nutrients in a cooler/darker place. The screen is a great idea to keep dragonflies and other beneficial insects from drowning as well as mice.;)
teh purple penguins said:
thanks aj
and omri, i knew the function, not what it is supposed to be used for originally :). i was thinking nylon so it doesn't rust?
I'm building an aeroponic cycle and using a plastic one to filter all the bad things. if it's not small enough to pass the filter, it's not small enough to be sprayed.
AlabamaJack said:
I had too much rain last year and it hurt my crop...just don't want to make the same mistake this year by overwatering....right now, I am watering about every 4-5 days....


We were the opposite - from June-September we were 15" of rainfall below our normal. We also had the 4th hottest summer ever with more 90 and 100 degree days in many, many years.

I tried watering but after a while, it simply didn't help (except the peppers - they loved the heat!). Tomatoes would ripen on one side but the other side stayed white. Cucumbers died. Potatoes quit growing, as did eggplant and basil.

I'm hoping for a much better season this year!

teh purple penguins said:
where are you putting the screen?
What POTAWIE said.
It's a circle where I re-use the nutrients I've used before. sure I add liquids and everything, but not throwing it away.
You should probably also use an inline filter for aeroponics or your misters can easily get clogged
yup...ice chest is for beer when I am working in the yard...seems a suitable place for it...now I just ahve to figure out an remote dispensing system so when I am on my lawm tractor I can push a button and it will be ready for me when I pass by... :lol:
AJ, you can get one of those skeet throwers just crank the spring down so you get the distance you need. i am sure there is a remote contolled one. LoL.

I am at work. The wife just called...it is raining at my house and the first 2 rain barrels are already full dumping into the third and it has only been raining for 15 minutes....
AlabamaJack said:
I am at work. The wife just called...it is raining at my house and the first 2 rain barrels are already full dumping into the third and it has only been raining for 15 minutes....
Sounds nice, just that it won't rain here for at least another 4-5 months. :shocked:
Ended up with 1.1 inches of rain in about 30 minutes...filled up all three barrels...don't know how much overflow there was

yup...was absolutely storming with pea size hail...plants have some holes in the leaves but otherwise seem to be OK....