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AJs Backups 05-12-08


As I said in the other thread, I knew I was going to mess up this year doing something so I decided to have a backup plan...I replanted a lot of seeds and have 140 viable plants now...

The first picture is of all my backup "Superhots"...

Right to left they are, 2 Devils Tongue, 12 Dorset Naga, 5 Fatalii, 2 (1 1/2) Chocolate (one little feller), 3 White Habs, 6 7 Pot, 11 Trinidad Scorpion and 12 Bih Jolokia...


second picture is close up of the right side of the first photo...


third picture is the left of the first pic


4th picture is of back up annuums (60 total)


Picture on following post is of 20 Bell Peppers

Hopefully I will learn to harden off gently...at least I have a second chance this year...
20 Bell Peppers


All of these will go into 5 Gallon Pots within 10 Days....
Those are your backups???
You've got more backups than I have in total plants. LOL
Congrats on the success of all your plants.

Impressive, to say the least.

Hey, I'm wondering if a problem is not that your plants are not ready for the big outdoors but they are not ready for being in the hot sun next to bricks? Lack of air circulation, heat coming from the bricks? So far, I'v moved my plants from cups upstairs to containers outside without a problem. Of course, I don't have the heat or strong sunlight you have but the seven that have been outside for a couple of weeks were not as strong looking as the plants you have posted pictures of.

Thanks all..

Poisonette said:
Those are your backups???
You've got more backups than I have in total plants. LOL
Congrats on the success of all your plants.

My goal originally was to have 225 in containers....I have upped it to 300...

wordwiz said:

Impressive, to say the least.

Hey, I'm wondering if a problem is not that your plants are not ready for the big outdoors but they are not ready for being in the hot sun next to bricks? Lack of air circulation, heat coming from the bricks? So far, I'v moved my plants from cups upstairs to containers outside without a problem. Of course, I don't have the heat or strong sunlight you have but the seven that have been outside for a couple of weeks were not as strong looking as the plants you have posted pictures of.


Mike, interesting hypothesis, however, any of the plants around the perimeter of the yard that see sunshine more than 4-5 hours a day got sunscald. The ones in more of the shade are doing fine. Problem is I don't have enough shade in my yard to limit sun exposure. That is why I am thinking seriously about a shade house. Anlther thing is the wind...the plants see the predominant south wind are in the worse shape. I remember reading somewhere that windbreaks were very necessary for a good pepper crop...the only wind breaks I have is the house and fence and the ones against the north fence are in the worst shape. We have had upwards of 50 mph winds the last few weeks.

klyth said:
What happened to your plants AJ? I can't find the post where you say...

My original plantouts are still ok but they are suffereing from a severe case of sunscald. All of them are starting to put on new growth so they will be OK. These backups are just in so much better shape than the original ones were.

cmpman1974 said:
That is more backups than most people grow as their main crop! ADDICTED? I know...I am in the same boat. :)


Ah yes, addiction. Its a fine thing isn't it. :lol:
AJ what you have is no longer a garden, your back yard is now officially a pepper jungle. All my back-ups did the same in that they look healthier than my originals. Always enjoy reading about your jungle.
The one main difference in these backups and the original plants is I didn't use anywhere near the nutrients for these....and over the past month, I have used plain water....I think this is one reason they are not as tall as the original plants and are getting more bushy than tall...
wordwiz said:

Impressive, to say the least.

Hey, I'm wondering if a problem is not that your plants are not ready for the big outdoors but they are not ready for being in the hot sun next to bricks? Lack of air circulation, heat coming from the bricks? So far, I'v moved my plants from cups upstairs to containers outside without a problem. Of course, I don't have the heat or strong sunlight you have but the seven that have been outside for a couple of weeks were not as strong looking as the plants you have posted pictures of.


I thought the peppers loved the heat! I couple weeks ago I posted a thread called "Growing Bhuts" where I researched what the weather is like in there natural growing areas. From what I learned is that they grow in a place with high humidity and summer temperatures ranging from 90 - 100 degrees. So my intent here in Illinois is to put a couple of Bhuts in front of my brick house to have the higher temperatures...but will not be able to mimick the humidity.
A plant's natural growing conditions are not always the best growing conditions. I have my shade cloth on the greenhouse today or my plants would all get burnt, but once they are acclimatized the extra heat will usually make pods hotter.
In my opinion, it is not the hot sun by itself, rather the lack of hardening off I did...I just couldn't move 225 containers in and out of the sun to properly harden them off and so I just left them outside and the plants got scalded because of it...with these back ups, since they are much less numerous, I will harden them off properly until they are ready for full sun....that is the reason I want to build a shade house...just like Potawie said....