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AJs Backyard Pepper Porn 05-30-10


Where did you get the shade? I am thinking of building a similar setup. My plants wilt when I leave them in the sun for 20 minutes...

Go engineers!
AlabamaJack said:
...I will only plant another 80 or so depending on how much room/supplies I have...then the rest will go in the compost pile....can you imagine I will be throwing away about 40 bhut jolokias...that many scorpions and half that many 7 pot...its gonna kill me to kill them....
A moment of silence is in order for the lost troops. :) AJ those are some seriously beautiful peppers man!
thanks all...

TB - Central Market is my favorite to shop for turnip greens and fresh purple hull peas...actually all fresh produce...bought two redfish there Friday (~2.5 lbs each)...fresh fried redfish sammiches with a nice roumalade sauce...if I can swing the deal with Central Market I will be very happy...

Mike - you are just about dead on for the soil...right at 10 yds...I bought two yards of compost...and about 25 40 qt bags of fresh potting soil...the mixture I am using is 20% compost, 20% fresh potting soil, and 60% soil from last year which was a 40% potting soil, 20% cushion sand, and 40% compost.

Chris - My neighbors are in awe during the fall harvest season....actually from July on when the plants get huge...the back yard is going to be a jungle of heat this year...

mwm - yup...they are going to stay in the containers....the soil in the raised area is unfit for garden...clay and sand both compacted...

HawaiiAl - I probably will go with a 2" pipe frame...I am trying to figure out how to tie it down at the corners...won't have much room for a 45 at the corners...I don't think free standing will work with our winds here...

SnakeDoc - I ordered the shade cloth online somewhere..just looked for the cheapest 50% black woven I could find...a 20 X 40 piece with grommets (I didn't use) and tie wraps was under 200...
JayT - I will definitely wear gloves when I process peppers this year...but what I hope will be different is I won't have to process as many...

wayright...the lost troops fought a good battle and I t5hink some of them may go to a good home...

thanks Jimmie...sure hoping for a good year...my prediction is for a long dry hot summer here...we didn't get it bad last year...only hit 104 a couple of times so this year I am saying we will hit 110 at least once with several over 105 and since we had the 5th dryest may ever here in Ft Worth it is going to be a dry summer so I betcha we are in for water rationing by July...
Hey AJ,

thanks for swinging by and reminding us what is possible when we put our mind to it.

HOLY CRAP! that is alot of plants!
AJ, looks great!

On the topic of water, i see the 3 barrels there on the ground. Are you planning on havesting a bit more that 150 gallons?

If there is a long dry spell with the plants being mature, what do you think the weekly water requirements will be?
Hello AJ

I was seeing your pictures and i couldn't help myself thinking that I would need 36 hour days just to take care of all those plants...
Thats a very impressive garden you have there.

My wife says I spend to much time taking care of my 10 plants... she would die with 350 more!
Thanks again all...just gettin' ready to go transplant a few more...

SS...got 5 romas, 3 opalkas, 3 Mortgage Lifter, 3 Better Boy, 3 chapman, then two each of Pink Ponderosa, Florida Pink, German Giant, Giant Belgium, and Delicious

rs - I took my rain water collection system down because it just didn't satisfy my needs...heck it takes at least 150 gallons each watering...I really need a 10K collection system but not ready to undergo that expense yet...three barrels full of pods would be kinda like hazardous material dont you think?

Bleash - believe it or not, it really isn't that bad...only takes about 4 hrs a day if you do it every day...I really have a cool wife in Ms. Linda...when I told her I was going to have 400 plants this year plus tomatos, she just shook her head and said..."that'll keep you busy"....no shit sherlock is what I wanted to say but thought being silent was the bigger part of valor...
thanks youngun'...it's not completely over yet...

my plan is to "alert" the Fort Worth gardening club (if there is such a thing) or the botanic society and offer tours of the yard after I complete it....eventually everywhere you see pepper plants will be dry beds...3" deep 1" crushed rock on top of weed cloth...
So jealous that your wife is cool with it. Wish i could do something radical to our yard. Like a ton of raised beds. Hehe.
AlabamaJack said:
thanks youngun'...it's not completely over yet...

my plan is to "alert" the Fort Worth gardening club (if there is such a thing) or the botanic society and offer tours of the yard after I complete it....eventually everywhere you see pepper plants will be dry beds...3" deep 1" crushed rock on top of weed cloth...

I've got no doubt that you've still got plenty to go!! I think your plan is cool... Aj-Pops to take over the world! (or at least the Fort Worth garden club!)