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video AJs Backyard Pepper Porn Video 08-17-10


Its been about five weeks since I posted a video of the back yard so I thought it was time for an update...today is 17 August 2010 and all the plants are very much in the flowering mode...very little or no pod set on the superhots yet but give it three weeks when the weather cools and they will be loaded with fruit...just hope for a late first freeze this year...that is about the first week of December...first freeze the last three years has been between the 5th and 7th of December...


Beautiful as usual AJ,I always enjoy your vids! Do you water in sections or does all your irrigation go at the same time? Great work!
Oh yea, Im lovin the rebel flag on the shed door! :)
Very Nice AJ! You sure can tell you put a lot of effort into your gardening and I bow down to the grandmaster potted pepper grower! If I were to ever get down your way I'd have to ask to stop by and kiss the ground your property resides on as it's my Graceland! I too am sure those flowers will soon be ripening pods and you'll be getting sore arms from pulling pods all day! :)
I thought you were going to jump in the pool at the end! what an amazing lay out of peppers! Nice sign as well, do you sell them a local farmers market? Thats just insane great work and nice set up!
Do you trim the bottom leaves of your plants off or do they just grow perfect like that? They look like small trees. I was wondering if you would allow me to use your irrigation system idea next year i was going to do something similar this year by drilling holes in the bottom of my pots and cutting tiny holes in a soaker hose and running the hose through all the pots. Your idea seems to be a lot easier and more efficient.
Looks amazing. Going to have a great harvest. Very good setup you have there. Loving the Bhut Island. Keep us updated! Cant wait to see the progress on the ripe stuff.
Beautiful as usual AJ,I always enjoy your vids! Do you water in sections or does all your irrigation go at the same time? Great work!
Oh yea, Im lovin the rebel flag on the shed door!

thanks Kevin...there are 9 different sections counting the Bhut Island sprinkler...here is a shot of the control panel...


the rebel flag is over 40 years old...bought it in Georgia on the way to being stationed in Washington DC in 1970...

ever nice AJ keep up the good work and very nice plants

thanks hpm....

December? That's when my plants are frozen solid and Santa arrives.

if my season were as short as yours Chris, I probably wouldn't have the patience to grow all these long season plants...of course, I lose at least two months production due to the July/August heat...

Very Nice AJ! You sure can tell you put a lot of effort into your gardening and I bow down to the grandmaster potted pepper grower! If I were to ever get down your way I'd have to ask to stop by and kiss the ground your property resides on as it's my Graceland! I too am sure those flowers will soon be ripening pods and you'll be getting sore arms from pulling pods all day!

Paul, you are welcome at my place any time and the only kissing we will do is kiss a good 7 Pot bloody mary...

Now THAT'S a pepper garden! Those are great looking plants with tons of pods and flowers!

thanks BBW

I thought you were going to jump in the pool at the end! what an amazing lay out of peppers! Nice sign as well, do you sell them a local farmers market? Thats just insane great work and nice set up!

Thanks lnf...I did jump in the pool...my memory card was full at the end and is why it ended abruptly...so I turned the camera off, set it down on the storage bin next to the pool and enjoyed a great morning dip...very refreshing...thanks for the compliment on the sign...I do sell at a local farmers market and a large first monday setup but have found craigs list to be the answer to me staying home and selling from here...

Wow! you'll have truckloads of peppers! majorly impressive.

thanks nn

Love your porn J

thanks Lee...the porn is still not up to your standards...you, my friend are a true grower...

Do you trim the bottom leaves of your plants off or do they just grow perfect like that? They look like small trees. I was wondering if you would allow me to use your irrigation system idea next year i was going to do something similar this year by drilling holes in the bottom of my pots and cutting tiny holes in a soaker hose and running the hose through all the pots. Your idea seems to be a lot easier and more efficient.

Thanks Garrett...(saw your comment on youtube and thanks for that too) I pull the leaves and limbs off most of the plants...you can use any idea I have...thats why I post my stuff for you guys to see...if you like it, then use it...I am satisfied with the way the irrigation system works, however, I have ordered 300 1GPM rainbird drippers to install in the pvc...they should be here by Thursday and the installation of those drippers is going to be tediously slow...drill pilot hole, tap hole with 10/32 tap, glue/screw in the drippers...

Wow! What do you feed those guys?

thanks hs, they are ready for a feed now, I have been using a 10-10-10 peletized and a 7-14 7 peletized then have more recently switched to a 10-20-20...1 Tbsp esom salt every 2-3 weeks per plant...as soon as the drippers are in place, I am going to order an inline fertilize injector for the plants...this will allow the plants to get nutrients a lot quicker than side dressing IMO...

Nice jungle you have growing there AJ! Your going to be one BUSY picker when they begin to really set pods and ripen

Thanks Mal...November is my favorite time of year...

Looks amazing. Going to have a great harvest. Very good setup you have there. Loving the Bhut Island. Keep us updated! Cant wait to see the progress on the ripe stuff.

thanks JSK...I sure hope to have a good harvest...need to make some money back I have invested in the upgrades this year...I will be putting an ad up on the classified here on the forum probably in September "Pods for sale".....

thanks Alpheon..
Right on! nothing like a nice cool swim in the morning. Thats pretty awesome a dream come true for a lot of people on this forum. Pretty great that you achieved it. Also your control panel is pretty crazy looking haha. I bet you could sell some on the market place right here as well.
Looking great AJ, glad to see things have turned around for you. Sorry to hear about your tom's though. I really like the addition of the pool. That retired thing seems to be treating you well. I'm happy for you my friend.
thanks Kevin...there are 9 different sections counting the Bhut Island sprinkler...here is a shot of the control panel...


the rebel flag is over 40 years old...bought it in Georgia on the way to being stationed in Washington DC in 1970...

That is awesome AJ, Thanks for the pic, I've been thinking of doing something like that on my overhead sprinklers.My water pressure isnt strong enough for both so I have to switch it manually.
damn it Aj!!! im envious but more intrigued. what signs lead you to believe your trinidad sorpions where magnesium hungry? the section top near your pool where theyre is three rows of orange habs and others are you able to get to all the plants like walking out theyre and giving the peroxide to the one u refered to. it just seems tight in theyre. im not knocking your ste up i think it look sfantastic.just curious if you even really need to get at them really at all with your sweet sweet setup until harvest time? i like the flag too i found one in a boat hous eio was living in off an island. and have had it since when iwa svisitning my brother he freaked when he saw it saying get it out of house cuz he has vlack friends ahh whatever. but the magnesium question id like to hear what you gotta dsay for sure and growing advice im all ears! great stuff btw!