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harvesting AJs Major Harvest 12-02-09

Very nice Harvest!!!!!!! Very Impressive.....I did my last harvest back in mid October.....Hell we've had 2 hard freezes so far, the first in October and the 2nd in November....I wish our growing season here in Ohio was more like yours!!!!

Can't wait to see the Super Concentrations you make this year!!!! All those bright colors!!!!!
Wow, the bar has been raised so far I think you've achieved low earth orbit.

Congrats on a stunning year, my friend.
Good Lord AJ!

I am at least as impressed as everyone else when it comes to this harvest, but I am simply AMAZED that you could pick all of that in one day!:shocked:

Everything aches when I look at that photo. I would definitely need a lot of help with that haul.

Well done AJ, well done!:woohoo:
Congratulation A.J that is awesome you are going to be very busy cleaning those babies . Great job my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is awesome man! I wish I lived in Texas so I could get a harvest like that. Anyone in the northeast ever get a harvest that big?
thanks again all...I just got back from the chiropractor...he said "your spinal balance is off"...no S*** Sherlock...

I feel all better now and "balanced" so it is time to process scorpions and drink a scorpion bloody mary...never made one before but am dying to try it...

later all...
AJ, I just heard on the news that Dallas got some snow yesterday. First, good thing you got all those puppies picked and second, how weird to have you guys getting snow before us. :lol:
thanks again you guys...

Pf...it was snowing Wednesday morning while I was picking...

didn't pick yesterday...put up 31 1/2 pt jars of 7 pot and today I put up 36 1/2 pint jars of Scorpions...

went out a few minutes ago and picked another 37 pounds of anaheims, cascabels, serranos, cayennes, and poblanos...that brought the weeks total to 166 pounds...and believe it or not, there is still about another 50 pounds or so on the plants...it is supposed to get to 26F tonight so what is left probably will ruin...
What took you so long to pick all these peppers and why did you wait so long. Were you just waiting to the very end? I will not give up on my peppers after September now seeing your gigantic December Harvest. Again congrats on a massive pod pickin' AJ. Reminds me of this pic.:lol:
PRF< where's that photos from? I need to find a guy like that! I've got more mash fermenting, but don't think I'm going to have enough hot sauce to make it through until next year's harvest.
Omri said:
H-O-L-Y . . . F-U-C-K

Omri you took the words right out of my mouth man.

Aj its no wonder your back was outta wack! After harvesting that many peppers my back would be too! Well done.

I am totally surprized...I surpassed last years harvest by 68 pounds...I had a total of a little over 312 pounds this year...and what is amazing is there is still a lot, maybe 20-30 pounds on the plants that I am sure ruined last night...temperature right now is 24F...if you count all 250 of my containers, that means I got well over a pound a plant. I will take that any day...