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harvesting AJs Major Harvest 12-02-09

AJ damn ! Have you ever thought about hiring help?You do have a small,medium nursery going there.Will save your back. Pics are great and your pantry haz mat material!
Over three hundred pounds of peppers. Good thing you're retired AJ.

I don't think there are any more superlatives left to describe what you've done.

You put up almost two gallons of Seven Pods and over two gallons of T. scorpions?!?! Good luck with the remaining work involved.
300 pounds.. now think about just how many peppers that actually is.. higher than this boy can count, that's for sure! a question tho aj..do you grow from seed every year, or do yourplants survive and produce every year?

once again.. that is one awesome harvest, and i think we must all bow our heads to the pepperhead king...
thanks again all...I have been working 5 days a week processing and making salsa for the inlaws...almost finished....have put up over 400 half pints of puree so far...

hixs said:
AJ damn ! Have you ever thought about hiring help?You do have a small,medium nursery going there.Will save your back. Pics are great and your pantry haz mat material!

actually, I do hire a couple of day laborers to help with pulling up the dead plants, emptying the containers, and carrying off the old stuff...as far as help during the grow season, I have just about maxed out the number of plants I am willing to deal with...I think this coming year, I will have about 350 in containers...maybe 400 depending on space restrictions...the wife loves to walk around in the yard in August and September when the plants are full grown and just look at all the pods...its almost like a maze...

dreamofdarkcat said:
300 pounds.. now think about just how many peppers that actually is.. higher than this boy can count, that's for sure! a question tho aj..do you grow from seed every year, or do yourplants survive and produce every year?

I start from seed every year...I was going to over winter a bunch this year but I think the freezes we have already had here have killed them all...I will start somewhere in the neighborhood of 2500-3000 seeds this coming January and February...most will be for seedlings to sale and I will keep the hardiest ones for my own crop...
No sh!te Ronnie that would be a world record if you take into regard feet planted X Yield.
You truly are a pepper growing pimp!
Nova, I got somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 pounds per plant this year on the average...by far the largest pounds per plant came from the Billy Biker Jalapenos...

I think about a pound a plant or a little more is normal so I am not that far above the average
Your plants looked like they averaged a lot more than 1.5 lbs of pods, or did you have some weaker plants that brought down your average?
had some weaker plants P...caribbean reds, Yellow 7 Pot, Morouga blend scorpions...I think the reason for the lower yield was the location and amount of sun they got....the ones with lower yield seemed to be the ones that only got afternoon sun....the ones that got full sun or morning sun only really thrived
hixs said:
AJ damn ! Have you ever thought about hiring help?You do have a small,medium nursery going there.Will save your back. Pics are great and your pantry haz mat material!

I am prepared to become a willing slave. No need to pay. Feed me and give me a roof over my head (and peppers for my stomach).

AJ, How about dat?

Naga Jolokia Addict said:
I am prepared to become a willing slave. No need to pay. Feed me and give me a roof over my head (and peppers for my stomach).

AJ, How about dat?


not trying to be mean NJA...but I don't allow anyone except myself, the wife, and Roscoe (my weimaraner) around my plants...and an occasional visitor...by the way...you and any of the members are extremely welcome to come by and visit if you are ever in my area...I make a mean bloody mary and always have a bottle of Don Julio on hand...

dreamofdarkcat said:
btw aj.. your wife must be heading to sainthood for allowing you to do all of this.. :P

I am truly blessed with a wonderful wife...she likes the heat also...she still can't take it burning up but likes to have a good sweat going on when she eats my chili...we eat heat every meal
what timing Nova...she is getting ready to go to work and is making popcorn for a mid-morning snack...she just asked me where I put my hot spice made from Bhuts/Fataliis/Carribean reds/salt/ and super chilis...

and she said thanks for the hug from all the members too by the way
holy smokes man. unbelievable.

I can't wait to see what you do next year. With being retired now you should be able to finally grow something. AJ's going to need to build an addition to his house just for storage of all his peppers / sauces / powders now!
Novacastrian said:
God bless your wife AJ, give her a big hug from all the members here mate.

that's what i thought when i read that.
:O glad to see you are doing this well AJ : ) my harvest this year was abismal. but then again i didn't really do much so :D. next season for me.