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AJs Pepper Porn 05-24-08

Walkabout in AJs back yard...052708

I thought I posted this last night but can't find it this morning...so here goes again...no close ups, just an overall view of my back yard with all my plants growing..




A ripe tomato! nice... :)
Looking good, and seems like chiles took over the yard. :lol:

Keep doing what you do best. :cheers:
thanks Andy....and BB, after seeing your plants, you made me smile with the compliment....and yes, I think I know each one of the plants...heck, after spending minimum 3 hours a day with them for the past several months, I know each one intimitely...

my nagas have not been attacked yet, but then again, I inspect them twice daily....
Omri said:
A ripe tomato! nice...
Looking good, and seems like chiles took over the yard. :lol:

Keep doing what you do best.

Thanks Omri...I told the wife I was going to take over the back yard. She is out of town this week so I decided to redistribute the peppers to make room for the 100+ more transplants I want to do Thurs, Fri, and Sat before I go out of town for 3 days....

So neat and tidy, very nice work AJ:)

Thanks POTAWIE...I have learned a lot from you this year...thank you man.

Sydtunes said:
This is true... AJ you make nice pepper porn! :lol:

I like making pepper porn Syd...thanks...

lostmind said:
Wow AJ! I wish I had your yard - wonder how many of us are thinking that! :)

I really have a small yard...I only have about 1/5 of an acre but I am trying to use the back yard as efficiently as possible...I figure it this way, the more pepper plants I have, the less grass I will have to cut...
Now, For Some Sad Pepperporn....

Daisy7117 said:
Great work AJ---everything looks so healthy!

I am really appreciative of everyones comments about how pretty the yard/peppers are...I don't want everyone to think I have made no mistakes...I have talked about them but never shown pictures...each mistake is documented thru photos...

So, here, now, without further delay is AJs F***ups...

Everyone of my superhots I planted on 28/29 January are really stunted...my backups I planted 28 February are in tremendous shape and some are actually larger than the month older versions...I got tickled at POTAWIE when he said he grew a lot of plants but only took pictures of the healthy ones or something like that...

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....Stunted Dorset Naga, Bhut Jolokia, Bih Jolokia, Devils Tongue, and Naga Morich...


second and third pics are Trinidad Scorpions, Fatalii, and Trinidad Seasoning (not really sure, didn't look at the labels but you get the drift of my message...ALL my superhots)...



this photo is of my beloved 7 Pots....


But I had a plan in the backups...I have enough plants to replace everyone of these with the exception of Naga Morich and Red Savina...but I have producing Nagas and Savinas now so I am not worried...

How were they stunted and why?

Reason #1: I used my normal Botanicare products as usual but decided to throw a handful of Miracle Grow Time released pellets into each hole before I transplanted. This is What I used...


It wasn't until I had already planted that I read on the package "Not to be used for container plants"...I wrote MG an email and was told "the time release formula has a tendency to give up the nitrogen in the pellets quicker in containers"...thus I was drawing Aphids. Which brings me to reason number 2.

Reason Number 2:
I have been fighting aphids awfully bad since my first transplant and like a dumb ass, didn't think to try and think of the reason...I was warned by Ms. Pam and others about too much nitrogen drawing the aphids but I thought...hmmm..."a little won't hurt"...lesson learned...listen to the members of the forum....by the way, I really really miss Ms. Pam...

Reason Number 3:
Not hardening my plants off good enough before setting in full sun...no excuses, just stupidity on my part...what I have learned tho is the annuums come back quicker and better than the chinense do...

I will not make these mistakes again...ever...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it...
That is a good Idea POTAWIE...

would be a good thread for all to see and not make the mistakes we have made...Lessons Learned...