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AJs Pepper Porn 05-24-08

they blame all the rising prices on gas prices going up...gas is almost $4 a gallon here now...saw a bit on the news last night and they said the groceries price inflation is the highest it has been in the past 20 years because of gas...I suppose with the gas super giants making record profits over the past two years that is expected...most groceries are running about a 10% inflation rate since last year...
Its called a "Mexico" tomato. It looks like it is going to be huge...
Now some of mators are just about right for the skillet,mmmmmmmmm, fried green mators and a couple of them cayannnes mmmmmmmmmmm sounds like a meal hanging waiting to be picked. All mine are doing well and now just starting to bloom bery slow on the extra hot chillies though, they just absorbing the sunshine and trying to ;look pretty.
Wow AJ, fantastic pics. We're still in the hardening off process up here, finally night temps will be in the 50's so we can start getting the peppers out. Some tomatoes are out but they show signs of transplant shock yet, should perk up soon. I can't wait until our plants look like that.

okie joe said:
Now some of mators are just about right for the skillet,mmmmmmmmm, fried green mators and a couple of them cayannnes mmmmmmmmmmm sounds like a meal hanging waiting to be picked. All mine are doing well and now just starting to bloom bery slow on the extra hot chillies though, they just absorbing the sunshine and trying to ;look pretty.

OJ...will you please give me your recipe for the fried green tomatos...all I do is salt, pepper, some spice, dip in egg, roll in cornmeal and fry....am I doing something different than others?

Glad your plants are recovering and soakin up the sun...

And, by the way, I am glad the good lord saw fit to spare you and your family from all the bad weather OK has had so far..

pepperfever said:
Wow AJ, fantastic pics. We're still in the hardening off process up here, finally night temps will be in the 50's so we can start getting the peppers out. Some tomatoes are out but they show signs of transplant shock yet, should perk up soon. I can't wait until our plants look like that.


Thanks Jackie...I am learning about the hardening off process. It looks like I will only lose a few plants totally but the others (probably 80-90) were set back quite a bit because of sunscald and aphids...so bad I was ashamed to even post any photos of them...I figure it set me back 2 months on the growth cycle...my backups are much much stronger and healthier becaused I have been hardening them off for a week now...started with 2 hrs and have lengthened the time exposed to the sun by about an hour or two a day....they are seeing about 8-9 hours today...depending on the skies, they may stay in the sun all day long....
Wow AJ - Awesome. Man I cannot believe your tomatoes are grwoing like crazy. I guess, that is the incentive for living in warm weather.. I am jealous. My tomatoes are foot tall the most.

Please keep us updated...always look forward to seeing your progress.
AlabamaJack said:
they blame all the rising prices on gas prices going up...gas is almost $4 a gallon here now...saw a bit on the news last night and they said the groceries price inflation is the highest it has been in the past 20 years because of gas...I suppose with the gas super giants making record profits over the past two years that is expected...most groceries are running about a 10% inflation rate since last year...

Gas prices are 4.18 for regular in CT now :shocked: :(

Nice plants AJ -- AWESOME :lol: ;)
Looking great, AJ!

The only plants of mine that are growing peppers like crazy are the cayenne type. My Scotch Bonnets are showing flowers, but no baby peppers yet. My Bolivian Rainbow plants are showing a few peppers. All the super-hots are still trying to grow.

I left my plants out (in containers) during the rain storm we had today in D/FW. They look a bit wilted / water-logged, and hopefully the full sun expected for tomorrow won't be vaporizing water in the plant cells and causing damage.

AJ, I am wondering about the leaf damage in the first couple of your photos. My plants are showing the same exact thing. I've searched for aphids, etc., and haven't found a thing. Any ideas?

One last question - you're in a band.. What do you play? Guitar? Vocals? Bass? Drums?

- Eric
Oh, and you might be careful about putting tobacco close to your chile plants. I've heard awful things about Tobacco Mosaic Virus and peppers. Apparently most strains are resistant, but I wouldn't take chances.

*edit* In fact, this may be what's happening to some of my plants, looking at the leaves.. :(

- Eric
elequin said:
Looking great, AJ!

The only plants of mine that are growing peppers like crazy are the cayenne type. My Scotch Bonnets are showing flowers, but no baby peppers yet. My Bolivian Rainbow plants are showing a few peppers. All the super-hots are still trying to grow.

I left my plants out (in containers) during the rain storm we had today in D/FW. They look a bit wilted / water-logged, and hopefully the full sun expected for tomorrow won't be vaporizing water in the plant cells and causing damage.

AJ, I am wondering about the leaf damage in the first couple of your photos. My plants are showing the same exact thing. I've searched for aphids, etc., and haven't found a thing. Any ideas?

One last question - you're in a band.. What do you play? Guitar? Vocals? Bass? Drums?

- Eric

Thanks Eric...when did you start your seeds?...all of these were started 28-29 January...

The leaf damage was from aphids...I have been on full attack for about a two months now...I had an absolute infestation...

I play Mandolin and play with Bodie Powell and Borderline...if you ever get up around the stockyards, we play about 3 times a month at the White Elephant Saloon plus about another 50-60 gigs a year...our next gig is 7 June at the Elephant...saturday night from 9-1....always a blast on Saturday nights...come see us if you can...by the way, when I say mandolin, most people automatically think bluegrass...nope...I play it through a fender twin reverb and play it more like a rock and roll/bluesy lead guitar...

I know about the TMV...just hope I don't give my plants that...