seeds-germination albino douglah seedling?

my other douglah isent like this its the normal green but this one is white and purple


any idea on this?
When starting seeds you will notice both types from the same batch of seeds, all seed not only Douglah. I usually start 2 seed per hole and have to decide if I want the green stems or the purple stems to grow. The one I keep is not always the same for each variety, but I find myself choosing the green stems ones more when I have a choice. I am sure both will eventually grow the same plants, the green stems seem fatter to me. Not albino just the a purple stem variety, grow both and see if you find any difference.
When starting seeds you will notice both types from the same batch of seeds, all seed not only Douglah. I usually start 2 seed per hole and have to decide if I want the green stems or the purple stems to grow. The one I keep is not always the same for each variety, but I find myself choosing the green stems ones more when I have a choice. I am sure both will eventually grow the same plants, the green stems seem fatter to me. Not albino just the a purple stem variety, grow both and see if you find any difference.

Very interesting Cappy. I have about 30 Black Pearl seedlings that came up a few weeks ago. Half had bright green leaves and the other half have purple leaves. Hmmmm.
Had ones looking worse and still grow up to be fine looking plants. with low chlorophyll content it will have a hard time at first, but who knows... might recover.