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alkhall 2018

Started my list:
[SIZE=14pt]Apocalypse Chocolate - RFC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Bhutlah BBG7 Chocolate- RFC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Chocolate Reaper- RFC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Death Spiral- RFC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]MRM 7 Brown Peachy- RFC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Naglah Beast Chocolate- RFC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Skunk Red- RFC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Venezuelan Tiger- RFC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Wrecking Ball 7 Brown- RFC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]7-Pot Cinder – BHUTER[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Brown Large Scorpion cross – MINE[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Chocolate Reaper/Scorpion – (2017 saved seed)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Might add a few more.[/SIZE]
Trident chilli said:
Great healthy looking plants. The raised beds amendments are they spread throughout the season or do you mix them all up prior to planting ... Crab Meal great name for a fertiliser does it contain crushed crab shell
I till up the bed and then mix the amendments together in a large tub and spread the mixture all over and rake it in to about three inches deep.
Here is a link to the Crab Meal https://www.downtoearthfertilizer.com/products/single-ingredients/crab-meal-4-3-0/. It is fairly well pulverized. I believe it is just crab shells.
I bought it from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Down-Earth-Crab-Meal-Cs/dp/B0057K4I7Y?psc=1&SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duckduckgo-ffab-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B0057K4I7Y
As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
karoo said:
Good looking plants,
you have more patience with the hardening off than me,
and probably more success.
Best of luck.

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I believe there is no sense in rushing things, a few minutes a day to move the trays is nothing compared to the months already spent getting them to this point.
I usually wait until Memorial Day weekend to plant out.
However, last night and this morning it rained ~1-1/2 inches. I had the plants outside in the flood trays, and needless to say, they got waterlogged.
So, I planted them this afternoon. Weather forecast looks good; highs inthe mid 70°s F to low 80°s F, lows in the low 50°s F to mid 60° F.  At least a chance of rain 9 of the next 15 days.
2 @ Brown Large Scorpion cross
2 @ Big Black Mama cross
2 @ Big Caramel Mama
2 @ Bhutlah BBG7 Chocolate
2 @ Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion
2 @ NagaBrain Chocolate strain #1
2 @ 7-Pot Cinder
2 @ Venezuelan Tiger
2 @ 7-Pot Chocolate BBG
2 @ Bhutlah
2 @ Chocolate Reaper/Scorpion
2 @ NagaBrain Chocolate strain #2
1 @ Skunk Red
1 @ Death Spiral
1 @ Wrecking Ball 7 Brown
1 @ CPR
1 @ Chocolate Reaper
1 @ MRM 7 Brown Peachy
1@ Apocalypse Chocolate
1 @ Naglah Beast Chocolate
2 @ Red Primo Gnarly
In the small bed
2 @ Big Guy Jalapeno
2 @ California Wonder Bell
2 @ Ecuadoran Hot Lemon Cayenne
Hope everyone is off to a good start and lookin forward to seeing lots of pics from everybody.


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Awesome! Looks great, Al! I'm curious to see how the Caramel BBM and Caramel Cinder compare. You've got some heat in your garden. You have quite a few that I haven't gotten my hands on yet. Great list!!! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. Great stuff!!!

EDIT: I guess it's called Big Caramel Mama.
Bhuter said:
Awesome! Looks great, Al! I'm curious to see how the Caramel BBM and Caramel Cinder compare. You've got some heat in your garden. You have quite a few that I haven't gotten my hands on yet. Great list!!! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. Great stuff!!!

EDIT: I guess it's called Big Caramel Mama.
Thanks Adam,

I will definitely be posting lots of plant and pod pics, and will see how the Cinder compares to the BCM in taste and heat.

Yes, Big Caramel Mama, one of Troy Primeaux's creations. https://www.primospeppers.com/product-page/big-caramel-mama-bcm-seeds-f6
Overwintered Red CPR, potted up from 12 inch to 19 inch clay pot is already flowering:

Potted up the remaining plants from 3 inch to 1/2 gallon pots:

Tomatoes (Super Sauce Hybrid from Burpee) in 15 gallon bags:

This is an overwintered clone of the unknown purple that I grew last year that was supposed to be a BBM. It was nearly dead, having only three leaves until I put it under my grow lights. I believe the Eye Hortilux FS+UV lamps really helped bring it back from the edge:
BSH said:
Pods already... amazing. Mine are in shock from the crazy hot sun we've had. Flowers are dropping. Oh well

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Well, it was an overwintered plant, so it had a headstart.
But, I do see some tiny Jalapeno pods.
Other than that, the overwintered unknown purple, and the bells and cayenne, nothing else has flowers.
But, they have been in the ground only two weeks now.
Status update, one month after plant out.
Plant are finally showing some really good growth.

The unknown purple overwinter that nearly died.

The pods, anyone know what this might be? If I recall, they turn kind of orange when fully ripe.

The overwintered Red CPR, pods galore:

And the rest, left: Big Guy Jalapeno, Center: California Wonder Bell, right: Ecuadoran Hot Lemon Cayenne.
The EHLC are already little bushes, and I think they will soon take over the entire raised bed.
Bhuter said:
Looking amazingly!!!!! :woohoo: The purple "unknown" kinda reminds me of PepperNorth's Pink Tiger x Reaper...if it turns red.
Thanks Adam,
I believe they turn sort of orange with purple striping and blotches.
A few more pics.
My tomato 'hedge'. Six Super Sauce hybrid plants, in fifteen gallon growbags. I left them too close together, and they have intertwined to the point I will have a difficult time separating them with out damage.


The left over plants. I suppose I will need to put them in ten gallon growbags soon.
I have some pink tiger x reaper going. I will let you know if they look similar to the ones posted.

Plants are looking great!