• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

alkhall 2024

Coming soon. Stay tuned!

100 plants.


  • TRAY #1.JPG
    TRAY #1.JPG
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  • TRAY #2.JPG
    TRAY #2.JPG
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Awesome looking plants, Al!


They do seem to be quite robust this year. I may have finally hit upon a good combination of lighting and soil medium.

I actually believe I should have waited another month before starting them, because they are already getting root bound and making peppers.

Don't know if I can wait another six weeks until plant out. I already had to upsize the pots for the tomatoes to one gallon.
Those are good problems to have, Al!

Looks like an awesome grow coming along.
It has been a month since last post.

Planted out today, a lot of them really needed it, root bound and starting to turn yellow.


Planted 37 in main raised bed.

Another 15 (maybe 16) in small raised bed.

Gave away 10 or 11, have 8 left to find a home for.

Thanks for looking.

I will try to update at least a couple times a month.

Hope everyone has a great year, I want to see some great harvests from all.
Holy Shitsky Al, your plants have exploded! They look awesome!:clap:
Holy Shitsky Al, your plants have exploded! They look awesome!:clap:


Normally, I do not see this sort of production until late August.

I has been drier than normal this year, rainfall-wise, but I have my drip irrigation so, maybe the lack of natural rain has something to do with it? I have noticed an increase in flower drops, that is; flowers that are just falling off the plants whenever I move the branches, or with a strong gust of wind. Otherwise, there would be twice as many peppers.

I really have not done anything different than years past.

I am not complaining, mind you, just a little surprised how well they are doing.

Thanks again for looking.
Brain Collapse Chocolate almost at six feet:


Rest not really looking like they are much taller, basically because the weight of all the peppers pulling branches down, already lost a couple two to three foot branches before I got them tied up and supported.


Thanks for looking.
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