seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

sure shane.....heres my thoughts

plan B....get everyone on this train to send seeds they wouldve added on the train anyways.... to the next person...myself or MAFWIZ.... and get it we can get the train going...and if the train 1 gets moving then.. we get a 2nd round ... is anyone in agreement??

but we have to make pot luck style and people have to list what they are going to add to the train.. so theres no dbles of something... just a thought

Two of each species would be ok. So there can be enough of each
sure shane.....heres my thoughts

plan B....get everyone on this train to send seeds they wouldve added on the train anyways.... to the next person...myself or MAFWIZ.... and get it we can get the train going...and if the train 1 gets moving then.. we get a 2nd round ... is anyone in agreement??

but we have to make pot luck style and people have to list what they are going to add to the train.. so theres no dbles of something... just a thought

I would be ok with this as a plan B
Lets hope the thing gets found. It can be reported as "lost" on what, Saturday?

I don't know if that might motivate them to "find" it, but hopefully they get their act together.
Hey guys, I know its not on us, rather, its the post office, but we feel really shitty about this. After everything we all went through with the last train, this is the last thing we expected or wanted. As soon as we can report it lost we will, in the meantime, it doesn't look like it left the spot we dropped it off at. We will stop by there by Thursday and ask them about it.
Again sorry this happened and we'll do everthing we can to get it back out there.
Don't sweat it HH, obviously this isn't your fault, don't let it get you down or cost you any sleep (I see you posted at 4:30 am lol ).
Ok, so I just got off the phone with the USPS. They said they don't have it and as far as tracking they say that not all packages that are supposed to be tracked and scanned along the way get scanned. So they said that the receiving party (mafwiz) needs to go to their PO and see if it maybe sitting on a shelf because it may have not fit in mailbox and they may have left a "We Missed You" note. The Post Master isn't in today so she said she will call me tomorrow after she talks to him to see further reasons to what is going on.

Hope that made sense I am not feeling good today so I am kinda foggy.

Sorry this happened I know my hubby has apologized already but I feel terrible about this.
I checked in with the post office on my end today. They weren't very helpful - I had them run tracking and check the shelves and there was no package there, and they refused to admit it was lost.

The supervisor told me that between Washington and my house there were 3 places it would have been scanned, so even if it had been missed once, it should have been scanned at the next two stops. She said that Priority Mail isn't "guaranteed" for 3-5 day delivery, and to keep waiting. When I asked her if she thought it was lost in Washington, she refused to acknowledge that it may be lost and just told me to wait and reiterated that the 3-5 days wasn't "guaranteed."

My best guess at this point is it is just plain gone, or they will find it in 6 months and it will suddenly appear on my doorstep sometime in December.
Mafwiz. Did you tell them it's been 2 wks waiting?!

Are we in agreement for plan B. keep the same list. Everyone send 2-3 varieties of seeds you wouldve put on the train (max 2 of same) anyways o myself or mafwiz. And continue a newer train. ?!
Get well soon BetterHalf...I'm onboard regardless, so someone let me know what the plan is and I'll do what I can to help make it happen.
Whatever it is I'm in. But please let's do something. I understand it's just seeds but personally I am pretty bummed out.

So rather than being all down I suggest that NMoriss gets the train going again.

Please don't forget that some of us don't have much to contribute...

Last but not least I am willing to spend a couple of dollars on USPS express delivery with tracking.