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Already Aug 14th

Already Aug 14th, and my firt set of pods are just coming out...... started maybe two weeks ago and the development of them seems to be very bloody slow..still the size of raisins..

i dont think i am going to have enough time at this rate for ripe pods.

soooo sloooowwww i cant believe it !

what should i do ?
Wait, be patient and use the right ferts! Unless winter comes your way in early September you will be fine and if you find it's getting to cold for your beauties move them indoors under lights and you'll still get lotsa pods. If everything fails, you'll at least have learned the lesson to start out earlier next year (not supposed to be as sarcastic as this may sound!).:)

Good luck, mate!
Sweeet, thanks a bunch guys !...

oh by the way, still working on my wishlist.. lol

This has been a really good learning curve to say the least. I'll be better prepared for the next season,
that's for sure !

thanks again.
Even without lights, you can bring the plants indoors in the fall and they will ripen.

As Potawie states buddy just keep them warm indoors if autumn comes early and they'll be fine :)