You definitely should not put vegetable oil or meat in your pepper garden... Oil will suffocate roots, and meat goes bad and attracts the wrong microorganisms and trash pandas. Beer and vinegar will not help you either, sounds like a perfectly good waste of beer.
You seem to be overthinking it. You said you only started them a month ago in April? You need to take a little more of a laissez faire attitude towards the plants, if they are only a month old don't expect results immediately by burying a banana peel with them. Organics work, but its slower. Also, don't worry about calcium or any of that until you see a deficiency, most of the time your plants will not need supplementation of minerals because a lot of premixes already have them inside.
You seem to be overthinking it. You said you only started them a month ago in April? You need to take a little more of a laissez faire attitude towards the plants, if they are only a month old don't expect results immediately by burying a banana peel with them. Organics work, but its slower. Also, don't worry about calcium or any of that until you see a deficiency, most of the time your plants will not need supplementation of minerals because a lot of premixes already have them inside.