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Am I reading this right - Scotts in bed with Monsanto

if i cared enough about monstanto, i'd buy stock in them..

You heard about the boiling frog experiment?

If you put a frog into boiling water it will jump out straight away. But if you put a frog in cool water and slowly bring up the heat it will stay there until it boils to death.

You would care if one day monsanto illegally busted into your house and stole your food and livelihood.
But monsato is slowly bringing up the heat hoping people don't notice or care. One day everyone will suddenly realise they are being boiled to death.
You heard about the boiling frog experiment?

If you put a frog into boiling water it will jump out straight away. But if you put a frog in cool water and slowly bring up the heat it will stay there until it boils to death.

You would care if one day monsanto illegally busted into your house and stole your food and livelihood.
But monsato is slowly bringing up the heat hoping people don't notice or care. One day everyone will suddenly realise they are being boiled to death.
+1 moo Bitlong but read this one, No mention in the mainstream media of course. They are all bought and paid for.
Study Finds Link Between GMO’s And Current Health Care Crisis
Consumers - you, me, our families and friends will determine the outcome. Keep walking in an Ace, True-Value, Do-It-Best, Walmart, Lowe's, Home Depot and buy their potting mix and Monsanto grows bigger and strong. Drive up the road to Ed's Seed and Feed and buy good mix - Same is true for any product - buy local indie when you can, even if you can't all the time!


Makes you feel like you're in the matrix. What's your point? :lol: :welcome: to the Matrix.
Hmm, most of the documentaries posted I found too biased. I'd like to see a more fair documentary on GMOs. They have helped us out a lot with diseases, production, etc. It's understandable people are afraid of new technology that's difficult to understand and potentially dangerous. A lot of our problems with corporations (and I agree there are) are systematic. I think the gene patenting is misunderstood (the courts are mixed on the whole issue and I doubt they would accept any naturally occurring gene patents, let alone human). If you spend millions of dollars on crop improvement (GEing or encouraging mutations), you may want to make money off it. I use organic practices but crop improvement is seriously important for our increasing population food requirements.
Should get the hackers from 4chan to screw with monsantos computers. That would be absolutely hilarious.

I work in IT in St Louis, (near Monsanto HQ), I know several people that work in IT over there and believe me, they have enough problems with their network that they dont need any help from hackers.