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Am I ready to Burn?

Thanks to a extremely generous THP member, I now have some peppers that are going to light me up like no other. Your the best SS, I am going to send some seed I have as trading stock as partial payment. After comparing photos, I think I have identified the peppers waiting to put a hurt on me. If I have them misidentified, let me know!

Top Three from left to right are:

Dorset Naga
Trinidad Scorpion
7 Pot Brain Strain

Bottom Two from left to right are:

Chocolate Habanero


I am not going to eat whole peppers, I still need to be able to function at my job, driving truck for Golden State Foods. Being out on the road sitting on the holy ring of fire try to get to the next rest stop before I do something really embarrassing is not a option. I plan on cutting out a ring, then I figure I will make some salsa from whats left.

Sooooooooo....... Which one should I "pop my cherry" on first?
How cool of SS, I would eat them in this order:
Chocolate Habanero
Dorset Naga
Trinidad Scorpion
7 Pot Brain Strain
Come on Walt...it's friday...you have all weekend to recover! I say if your gonna be a bear...be a Grizzly. Pop your cherry on any of the ones in the top row! Don't just eat a slice, take a nice big bite and show it to the world. Fame and fortune await a new star in the making. Show us all how it is to be done with a good ole video! :hell:

Seriously though...your in the spotlight now. Come on...be like Gabby...you can DO IT! :whistle: Your not scared are ya? :scared:
They all look wonderful. However if its your first super hot, go in head first! Id hit the Brain or the Dorset. I havent had a brain yet, but I have seen the videos. The dorset is very much like what I had yesterday. I have a Bhut you can have if youd like. Let us know the verdict!
I guess the first question that comes to mind is are you going to try them all in one night? If so, I would do them in this order:

Choc Hab

I would also advise eating a healthy meal first and drinking heavily before during and after.
Also, put a roll of toilet paper in the freezer and have pepto bismol on standby.

Good luck!
To quote my buddy 2 seconds after walking into the Bunny Ranch......"DO EM ALL!!!!!!!!!!" Go down in a final blaze of glory my friend.
Hmmmm, am I scared? Not really, but apprehensive as heck though. I am going to try to capture the festivities on my laptop web cam, with the wife on standby if I find myself in need of immediate medical attention. The only fire extinguisher I will have on hand (besides a beer for liquid courage) is a glass of milk. I will try to stay away from the milk, but no promises. I am thinking of going for the Dorset, just to really say I did go in feet first. The Fatali still looks good though, I want to see if it has as much flavor as you all say it does. I am still going to eat just a ring, I still have about 48 hours before I hit the road again. Gotta drive to Spokane and deliver to 4 stores, then pick up fries on the way back home. I hope to save some seed from the pods as well, so I have something to try and germinate this February.
If youre doing em all in one night, I would work my way up to the hottest so you dont burn out the taste buds on the first one. I would possibly even take a swig of milk and swish it around in between peppers so you can distinguish each individual pepper's flavors and heat.
i say be a man, pop the Scorpion!

But seriously, for me, the order would be.



Choc hab(though i dislike the smell of them very badly)

7 pot


kinda work your way into it...but then you might not want to go any hotter...so go backwards. that way you know if you can handle the last one you can handle the first. Myself, i personally love the fatali...
It is done, and a video has been made. The Naga Dorset was the chili that popped my superhot cherry. here is the video for all to enjoy!

I have since tried slivers of the fatali, scorpion and brain, and the brain wins the hottest. My mouth is still on fire, and I am having tacos tonight!
ok that was one of the best one i've seen thus far.
it's actually more fun when the person talking isn't overcome by the pain of the pepper and can actually talk without giving into the panic.

very very cool stuff.
Fantastic job on the vid RS, I really enjoyed the commentary.

Can't wait to see you try the Brain Strain. :flamethrower:

BTW, your ID of the pods is correct.