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Am I ready to Burn?

Very nice Video! Suggestion, please wear gloves when dealing with super hots. i learned the hard way once. I cut open probably 20 or so pods. all super hots. I washed my hands in 110 grain rubbing alcohol and still later that night when i went to the bathroom i burned my willY!!! :mouthonfire:

The next day i washed my hands and all over my hands were beat red and on fire..this lasted for 3 days or so. never do that again!!

Anyway my next suggestion is when come time for the fatali, just pop the whole thing! :onfire: that way you experience the full flavor!! they taste amazing. By far my new all time favorite, next to Aji lemon.

Cant wait to see some more videos. Im hoping i have some pods ripen in the next few days so i can make my own! First up, will be either a carribean red hab or Bhut jolokia(which ever ripens first)
 Ok. The Vid was good but I would have liked it more had you eaten a whole pepper and given comments.

This seemed like a premature ejaculation.  !!!
Atta boy Walt! ;) Good on ya for jumping into the deep end of the pool. Now...where's the video of you trying the brain strain? Just curious :hell: