smoking Amost went to the hospital!

and I am sad for you not eating SHRIMPIES!! Is there such a thing as Kosher Sushi? Hmmmm Cantor Nakagawa? Just doesn't sound right! Sorry. Didn't mean to digress. A friend works at a sushi bar here in Phx., and I had tuna rolls for breakfast yesterday.
Do I remember it right that meat isn't kosher if it is prepared with a jagged knife? Even if the jag comes from hitting a bone while preparing it?
Ahh! I'm so hungry and those look great! Definitely worth a trip to the ol' ER. I haven't made/had bacon wrapped stuffed peppers in a while. Need to get on that one before I leave here.
almost to the hospital? hmm, I made stuff like these but with minced meat and cheddar inside but with red savinas and not caribbean reds. they were damn hot but they could have been hotter... my nagas are too small to make bigger ones with. although, they're insanely hot, maybe a bit too hot... hmm

anyway, looks pretty tasty. haven't really tried doing them with bacon yet