BobsYourUncle said:The rain was good, but it wasn't enough. Apparantly the dams are still getting some run-off though. Me, well, I was putting in a new garden on saturday for my chillies, moving a couple of cubic metres of garden soil up a hill in a wheel barrow, when it decided to start raining again. And it poured. I kept going, worried that my dirt pile would be washed away, and got it finished, but I was soaked by the end. Moving (running) all that dirt up a gentle slope was a good workout though.
Wow Bob, how come you get to have all the fun

Rumor is that we got an extra 4 months of water in the dams from that rain. Thats on current restrictions of course.
Now they're all the way up to 20% full, still too soon to celebrate I think so just a small woohoo.