and begins again

imaguitargod said:
I would think he's had a bunch of Siam pods by now. He's had that plant for a while.

hehe Chibi probably has a few green ones so far..LUCKYDOG should be rolling in them by now. They take a while to develop then produce by the bucket load.
bentalphanerd said:
And the winner of the seed tray race is Takanotsume... 3 popped up overnight **thanks Chibi** you were right, very good seeds. :onfire:
Do you have Siam pods yet?

Good to see they're coming up for you. Those little plants produce HEAPS of pods. They work well as an ornamental and are good eating, too.
Got my first green Siam pod. We are having really hot and humid weather here and the young plants aren't doing too well, have dropped quite a few flowers. But they're getting pretty tough out there in the elements!:?:
bentalphanerd said:
hehe Chibi probably has a few green ones so far..LUCKYDOG should be rolling in them by now. They take a while to develop then produce by the bucket load.

Came back from camping and I have at least seven pods and many flowers on one plant and I had planted 6 :onfire: all flowering as well the Mystery Thais are a bit slow but I have several pods coming.

as for the Passow Piquins many many pods and many more flowers at about 5ft tall now as well I had planted 5 again :?:

My Orange Habs are starting too this season has been crazy and it seems the more I leave them alone the better they do.

I will post pics soon Bentalphanerd and IGG
Came back from camping and I have at least seven pods and many flowers on one plant and I had planted 6 :onfire: all flowering as well the Mystery Thais are a bit slow but I have several pods coming.

as for the Passow Piquins many many pods and many more flowers at about 5ft tall now as well I had planted 5 again :?:

My Orange Habs are starting too this season has been crazy and it seems the more I leave them alone the better they do.

I will post pics soon Bentalphanerd and IGG
5 feet already. I can't wait to see pics.
"My Orange Habs are starting too this season has been crazy and it seems the more I leave them alone the better they do."

From my somewhat limited experience, I could not agree more. I see many posts like: "my habs have no flowers" or "are dropping flowers" etc, and they always mention that they are giving it fertilizer, so what is the problem?

I bet in 90% of the cases, the fert is the problem. My Hab has been fertilized once, 3 months ago. It is absolutely covered. 2-3 peppers stemming from the same spot in many cases. Habs are fierce! They don't want to be pampered.
imaguitargod said:
WOW!!! I knew you guys were in an extreme drought, but damn son!

dry! dry!!

I'll tell you how bloody dry it is here

(prepare for some good old Aussie sayings)

- it's drier than a pommie's towel
- it's drier than a nun's nasty
- it's drier than a dead dingo's donger

it's so dry, I farted the other day and a puff of dust came out

mate, it's f***** dry!!!
chilliman64 the scotch Bonnet you sent me way back have sprouted after 20 days outside in a seed tray...the Caribbean antillais can't be far off.
Our mutual mate allowed me to rummage through his seed box on the w/end, I know you're short on space, but I scored 'Fish' , Goatsweed, Broome (aus native?), Naga Jolokia. Have extras if you want.
So far I'm sprouting 15 varieties... I got some serious digging to do next few weeks. BTW have you tried his Inferno sauce? I'll be up there again next w/end if you'd like me to pick something up.
LUCKYDOG you planted 6 :cool: I hope you have something worked out to store them...they do make nice sauce...very sweet.
BTW - i do leave them another week or 2 after they turn yellow...really picks up the heat.
chilliman64 said:
dry! dry!!

I'll tell you how bloody dry it is here

(prepare for some good old Aussie sayings)

- it's drier than a pommie's towel
- it's drier than a nun's nasty
- it's drier than a dead dingo's donger

it's so dry, I farted the other day and a puff of dust came out

mate, it's f***** dry!!!

dont give away too many national cipher secrets.
bentalphanerd said:
chilliman64 the scotch Bonnet you sent me way back have sprouted after 20 days outside in a seed tray...the Caribbean antillais can't be far off.
Our mutual mate allowed me to rummage through his seed box on the w/end, I know you're short on space, but I scored 'Fish' , Goatsweed, Broome (aus native?), Naga Jolokia. Have extras if you want.
So far I'm sprouting 15 varieties... I got some serious digging to do next few weeks. BTW have you tried his Inferno sauce? I'll be up there again next w/end if you'd like me to pick something up.

you mean the mighty Mick? I'll check his wares out at Byron Bay, but thanks for the offer bent, and I think I'm good for seeds. though I'm still waiting on my solitary seven pot!
Bent and Passow --When they sprouted I didnt want to take a chance of not haveing any so... same with the Thai you sent as well. The Passow Piquins are doing very well too I didnt want to disappoint ---
One Siam has at least 8 green pods with many more flowers and the others arent much behind ...

My wife went out to check to see what I have been up to out there and she came back saying "OMG the piquins must have about 30-40 flowers and many many peppers" --

I'll do plenty with them from sauce to rubs I was also thinking of combining the Siams with Piquins, Habs and the Thai mixed with some spices to sprinkle on my food-- not to forget to save some for next year and trade --

Looking for : Devils Tongue, and the Nagas and Bhuts of course but I like the unusual **Hint Hint everyone :lol:**
This is what to expect from the Siam. The pic is grandpa, most of the pods were green over winter & started to change last 2 weeks. Now theres 8 ripe, 5 ripening & 24 green. Young one at the front with its first pod.

The pod colour is a little more yellow...bit overcast here today & the camera is compensating.
Could be time to build that Ark like the tinfoil hat has been telling me to.


Rumour is, it'll start tomorrow :lol:
My Siams are a bit smaller than their Grandpa but just means peppers are closer together still working on pics sorry guys. There are quite a bit coming thru... a lot of flowers just waiting on the peppers now :lol:

Hope you get a good rain.... When you see two of every animal walking toward your house then you are to late....
Hope you get a good rain.... When you see two of every animal walking toward your house then you are to late....

I have seen a few mosquitoes tonight....bit odd for the middle of a drought???

trouble posting pics, or camera trouble?
bentalphanerd said:
...trouble posting pics, or camera trouble?
Getting my ass out there... A few beers when I get home and I forget until I log in again I hope to get some this weekend :cool:

bentalphanerd said:
I see two of every animal walking towards my place it's BBQ time :P

Watch out for the dogs Im still not sure about them after "THAT" thread :P