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And you think *you* have it bad...


Community service for wombat rape claim
By TRACY NEAL - The Nelson Mail | Thursday, 27 March 2008

A Motueka man who claimed to have been left speaking Australian after being raped by a wombat has been sentenced to 75 hours' community work for his trouble.

Arthur Ross Cradock, a 48-year-old orchard worker, admitted in the Nelson District Court yesterday to the charge of using a phone for a fictitious purpose, after calling police with the message, 'I've been raped by a wombat'.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Chris Stringer told the court that on the afternoon of February 11 Cradock called the police communications centre, threatening to "smash the filth" if they arrived at his home that night.

When asked if he had an emergency, he replied "yes", Mr Stringer said.

On a second subsequent call to the communications centre, Cradock told police he was being raped by a wombat at his Motueka address, and sought their immediate help.

He called police again soon after, and gave his full name, saying he wanted to withdraw the complaint.

"I'll retract the rape complaint from the wombat, because he's pulled out,'' Cradock told the operator at the communications centre, who had no idea what he was talking about, Mr Stringer said.

"Apart from speaking Australian now, I'm pretty all right you know, I didn't hurt my bum at all,'' Cradock then told the operator.

Mr Stringer said alcohol had played a big part in Cradock's life. However, defence lawyer Michael Vesty said alcohol was not a problem that day.

Judge Richard Russell said he was not quite sure what motivated Cradock to make those statements to the police.

In sentencing, he warned Cradock not to do it again
Surprising it was a Wombat and not a Flock of sheep, are there wombats in NZ. or was it mabee "defence lawyer Michael Vesty said alcohol was not a problem that day" he needed a drink that bad he was seeing Wombats ? :lol:
I like the bit about being ok...except for speaking Australian. I'm going to have to check my health plan and see if "speaking Australian" is covered.
Pepperfreak said:

I hope I never see a Wombat...LOL...He really needs to lay off the sauce...LOL

This is what happens when you withdraw from the sauce its called hallcinations and the imagineing things that are not real:rolleyes:
Alcoholic hallucinosis, to be exact, although it generally doesn't take such an amusing turn.
that goes along with delirium tremors doesn't it?
AlabamaJack said:
that goes along with delirium tremors doesn't it?

No, they're separate conditions, although you can have hallucinations with the DT's. The DT's are much more serious, and some small percentage of the people who get them die, even with treatment.
Pam said:
"I'll retract the rape complaint from the wombat, because he's pulled out,'' Cradock told the operator at the communications centre, who had no idea what he was talking about, Mr Stringer said.

"Apart from speaking Australian now, I'm pretty all right you know, I didn't hurt my bum at all,'' Cradock then told the operator.

I can see the summer 2009 movie release now - Brokeback Wombat

and Okie - what happened to the Avatar??? The little woman drag you to a salon??? :cool:
I went to school with a chick who's last name was Wombat.....I wonder.....

okie joe said:
This is what happens when you withdraw from the sauce its called hallcinations and the imagineing things that are not real:rolleyes:
Mmmmm....DT.....is that why I shake so much now?
or blue microdot...
70' Carolina Beach
I remember now...I got stuck in a Club/ pub toilet in the Valley and ended up climbing out a window much to the amusemnt of many many strangers lol ........ Livid festival 1996.
AlabamaJack said:
or blue microdot...
Now you're talking!

AlabamaJack said:
70' Carolina Beach
December 23, 2007...1/4 tab of pure, Timothy Leary grade...ended up "falling" into the neck of my beer bottle that was sitting in front of me and had many other fun adventures that day...saved the rest for a rainy day....
I have a can of Wombat in my cupboard! My son brought it back from the Navy. He was stationed in Diego Garcia, though.

imaguitargod said:
Now you're talking!

December 23, 2007...1/4 tab of pure, Timothy Leary grade...ended up "falling" into the neck of my beer bottle that was sitting in front of me and had many other fun adventures that day...saved the rest for a rainy day....

LOL, oh the good old days.

I liked the purple microdot, pandas, and something called "shakti shiva". And the 4-way windowpane of course. ;)

Eyedrops are for nutters..saw it done, and have done drops b4, but I like my eyes too much for that crazyness.

Maybe it's why i like chillis so much..legal drugs....:lol:
