food Angus McCheeseDog with Flaming Shrooms


Well, here she goes....

I got some kickass Angus hotdogs and some nice Crimini 'shrrooms and decided they needed to get together in a spicy cheesebath of deliciousness.


On the bun is my BBQ sauce mix (Jack Daniels BBQ sauce, Chiliman's GPS, molasses, siracha, cayene/chipole powder, garlic, etc.) and slices of yep..u heard me..Velveeta. Sprinkled with chipotle powder just because.

Alrighty, cranked up the Iron, and in stuff went.
The mushrooms, some walla walla sweet onion, and thinly sliced orange hab.

They got cozy in some hot butter with a pinch of S&P while the Dawg got all nice and seared.


After that, I turned off the heat, piled it all together, and let it lay out in the nice spicy flavored butter leftovers to warm the bunz and melt the cheese. Covered to keep it moist and melty...


Oh yeahhhhhhh....

Mommy, I'm skeered!

The weiner is and very smokey flavor.
One of the best hotdawgz I've ever had. :-D
Looks damn good, was trying to go to effn sleep too. Now that urge to graze in the kitchen has been stirred.
Quad I enjoy seeing you cook man. You never get cheated and you ain't afraid of putting cheese on anything and everything. Man after my own heart.

I used to drink PBR back in the late 70's. All I can remember of it is waking up in the middle of the night so freaking thirsty I swear I was dreaming of the desert. So damn salty. Still that way?
Thx mate!

Hmm, I don't find it that way really, but then I like salty anyhow. :)

I know it's like 153 calories though. I nearly always drink water before/after drinking stuff so I don't get deydrated...mebbe that's it?
Aww man quad killin it again! what gave it the smokey flavor?
IT seems like you have an infinite supply of awesome seasonings and ingredients. are you in d.c or state? some good stuff i can't wait till i can cook with some of the super hots too. i'm with boutros GETTIN HUNGY!!
At first I was like, flaming anus with cheesy mushrooms?!? Ohhhhhh, anGus... :)

Good one dude, though, it looks like it needs a side of tater tots or supm, prally just me...

Good stuff as usual dude, the force is strong with you
Noshownate said:
Aww man quad killin it again! what gave it the smokey flavor?
IT seems like you have an infinite supply of awesome seasonings and ingredients. are you in d.c or state? some good stuff i can't wait till i can cook with some of the super hots too. i'm with boutros GETTIN HUNGY!!

WA state..I tend to buy a month's worth of groceries at a time, usually wiht a plan of sorts in mind of what I want to eat that month...and then jsut make stuff.

The chipotle powder adds smokeyness, and the dog itself is heavily smoke flavored nice with the mushrooms.
MrArboc said:
Why spend these ingredients and this effort on a... hot dog? Get some meat FFS! ;)

I'd bought the ingredients anyways, so why not?

Plus, these are $5 packs of not that cheap. And, they are delicious. :)

I saw 'em in the store and had to try 'em as I love Angus.

Plus, it only took like 8 mins to make using one pan...pretty ez.

I take it ya don't have hotdogs up there eh?

Sausages are good, but a nice hotdog is still just the thing sometimes. :D
Ahhh, I gotcha. ;)

Heh, I miss the Gov't Cheese my gramma used to give me back during the Reagan era...

That was fun stuff. Like Velveeta, but a tad firmer and more "cheddary".
Looks like you're cookin in an iron skillet.
Next time, after you've saute'd the onions and shrooms, and seared the dog, pour in some good ale, and let the dog cook in the beer, until the beer evaporates. Trust'll like it. Best way to cook Brats and dogs.
origamiRN said:
Looks like you're cookin in an iron skillet.
Next time, after you've saute'd the onions and shrooms, and seared the dog, pour in some good ale, and let the dog cook in the beer, until the beer evaporates. Trust'll like it. Best way to cook Brats and dogs.

I do that with brats pretty often, like this one, but not so much on hotdogs. Just a personal preference I guess. :)
That's actually how I did my brats the other day in the other thread. But, once the beer is evaporated, I add a splash of olive oil and crisp 'em up.