• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
WalkGood said:
Ok, ok a page and a half of chatter, now where's the updated garden pics ;)
Ramon, how I'd love to update. Trying to get some irrigation planned while dripping, coughing, 24/7 headache. Yuck. Thought it might be less painful (rather than heat of day, after lying in sun for hour did nothing to dry it up, but just hurt my eyes, lol) if laid out some lines, tested, yesterday afternoon/night. Summer colds are absolute worst! AND supposed to rain Sun-Mon. Which we need. Lay out irrigation lines, and for sure: rain. Te pido paciencia para esta muchacha enferma. :pray:  
PIC 1 said:
Annie once again your updates pack a whirlwind of info.
The foil on the chicken didn't deflect my radar cause I zoomed right into that one...
What more can one put over hot coals but some "slam dancing chickens" ...I bet that meal dished out well.
Wow, pods on the JA and Red Drop already......you must have a secret potion.
Thanks, Greg! It was good, Daddy liked it! Doing two on Weber 21"--gotta have foil on wings or rutroh.
Been meaning to get over to yer glog and will. Just had some ultra-super-extra-uber-hot homemade tom juice for this stupid summer cold. 
The "secret potion" few inches under plants needs "wet," for sure, but supposed to get some rain over weekend (since laid out irrigation to test last night = rain, never fails and love it)--"cold front"--lower 80's moving in, time for fungal based compost tea, made in shade around Tues. By then might be safe to bend over a dock at lake to get water but if fell could call that sinus irrigation? Geez . . . anyhow, with straw and more straw coming, thanks to sweet bro with truck, should "moisture" in well so I can get cages/stakes in. Thanks for looking and commenting, hon!
Devv said:
I would like to buy hay grazer, one round bale would do.
Straw, never seen it sold around here would be cleaner I'm sure.
Ok I think Ramon wins here....you are overdue :shh:
Overdue, my a** Scott mi otro hermano, "Ramon Dos"! Just playin widcha! "R-2" lol. Maybe I should just eat some that "secret  potion" for this dayumed cold. Not so sure want to ingest bat guano (pretty sure not) . . . only thing we had to fear in grazer when in Austin was fire ants, if it had set too long. (Landscaping.) Not evil grasses in hay there. BIG bales go LONG way! How's the rosemary killer of s-mites coming? Thanks, "querido!" <wink>
WalkGood said:
Regarding hay ... while I'd love to test it, seaweed is free for me and the test plants that I used it on are loving it! Now I've been to the beach the last 3 weeks to start a new batch and gather some extra for ground cover, no weed was found :/ That said, we have some strong squalls moving thru the last 3 days and I feel confident I'll get my bail soon and the seaweed too ;)
Bale of seaweed! Love it! "Scott, El Secundo." ;) Hope you get a good sized . . . "bale."
Sanarda said:
Oh snap. Now you taught me that there is a difference between straw and hay. Us NY city girls don't know much about this kind of stuff. It's a shame really.
Pia, HONEY, for the love of dear GAWD, didn't mean to offend! Shit, I didn't know the difference either until moving back here to "go past the third stump on yer left and bear right at the tree lightenin' struck a while back . . ." Huh? I was used to street names/numbers! Lived in Span. Harlem a year, recording, playing (Village) and at that time, had anybody said, "If you can identify this bale of straw from this bale of hay, and depending upon your correct answer, you get 2 record deal with 2 options" I'd a-bombed! Just shrugged some leather and said, "Suppose I'm just screwed, then." No offense intended, really!!! :cry: I'm sorry to have sounded pedantic in reply. Really.
Devv said:
Down here in Tejas I've never heard the term straw used, which is actually correct. Everyone bales their leftovers after they harvest the grains. They even bale the corn waste and sell it as bedding.
As from NY I escaped in '78...been learning since...we never stop learning :P
Ain't that the truth, Scott vis a vis, learning! Obviously: I put down hay as mulch one year and didn't source the source. All this clay is haven for quack grass and the last cutting? Never knew to ask!
MGOLD86 said:
Wow Annie, those birds looked pretty damn amazing!   My mouth was watering, and I may have to change up my weekend dinner plans!...oh, and the garden looks great too :)
Matt! Thanks! How goes your J-ville garden? Did ya find any room for maters after all dem peppers? Thanks for dropping in and commenting and I really rec a nice HOT-spiced bird or two on cans over coals: any weekend. Y'all supposed to get rain too around Sunday? "Magic" formula for rain = lay irrigation ;) 
annie57 said:
... Ramon, how I'd love to update. Trying to get some irrigation planned while dripping, coughing, 24/7 headache. Yuck. Thought it might be less painful (rather than heat of day, after lying in sun for hour did nothing to dry it up, but just hurt my eyes, lol) if laid out some lines, tested, yesterday afternoon/night. Summer colds are absolute worst! AND supposed to rain Sun-Mon. Which we need. Lay out irrigation lines, and for sure: rain. Te pido paciencia para esta muchacha enferma. :pray: ... ... ... ... ...
Listen young lady muchacha, I hope you know I was just pulling your leg. I can wait for pictures as long as you need me to. What is most important is that you nurse yourself back to good health, then take care of your plants.

Now onto your cold … ok, ok I know you don’t care but this is my advice ... someone who’s lived in the sun all his life. Stay out of the sun, it drains valuable energy out of your body. Unfortunately you don’t have salt water (ocean) near you but if you did I’d say a quick full dip, breathing in some ocean thru the nostrils without letting it go down to choke you. Quickly dry off and then a room temperature shot of añejo rum (yes I know you don’t drink, so in your case some fresh hot tea) and curl up in a warm bed with a good book.
Hope you get better fast, your plants need you and have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Edit: I’m not sure I worded it correctly but the message I was trying to relay is that salt water or salinity in the air will dry you up from a stuffy cold but the sun does not. And while I love da sun, it can rob your energy that your body needs to recoup.

WalkGood said:
Listen young lady muchacha, I hope you know I was just pulling your leg. I can wait for pictures as long as you need me to. What is most important is that you nurse yourself back to good health, then take care of your plants.

Now onto your cold … ok, ok I know you don’t care but this is my advice ... someone who’s lived in the sun all his life. Stay out of the sun, it drains valuable energy out of your body. Unfortunately you don’t have salt water (ocean) near you but if you did I’d say a quick full dip, breathing in some ocean thru the nostrils without letting it go down to choke you. Quickly dry off and then a room temperature shot of añejo rum (yes I know you don’t drink, so in your case some fresh hot tea) and curl up in a warm bed with a good book.
Hope you get better fast, your plants need you and have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Edit: I’m not sure I worded it correctly but the message I was trying to relay is that salt water or salinity in the air will dry you up from a stuffy cold but the sun does not. And while I love da sun, it can rob your energy that your body needs to recoup.
I know, ya playin' mi hermano! I been sticking my face in sea salt/H202 in bowl, sniffing the stuff to near drowning. Not nearly the same as ocean, as it will clear up head-cold in no time and I WISH near :P . Was out of Vit C for 2 days, working butt off, probably brought immune system down. But my super-hot home-canned tomato juice--6 Tabasco, Naga, with heavy garlic in THICK juice, has cleared head enough to run to bank, run by bro's at work, give him money for straw, since he's willing to get it tomorrow, is working. Or am so high from the endorphins can't tell. Still, gonna spread it, sun, or not, ahead of rain. At least if I get dizzy from any head-swim, will fall in something soft! Oh yeah, can ya get arrested for DWImpaired from capsaicin? (That tom juice is seriously hot!)
annie57 said:
I know, ya playin' mi hermano! I been sticking my face in sea salt/H202 in bowl, sniffing the stuff to near drowning. Not nearly the same as ocean, as it will clear up head-cold in no time and I WISH near :P . Was out of Vit C for 2 days, working butt off, probably brought immune system down. But my super-hot home-canned tomato juice--6 Tabasco, Naga, with heavy garlic in THICK juice, has cleared head enough to run to bank, run by bro's at work, give him money for straw, since he's willing to get it tomorrow, is working. Or am so high from the endorphins can't tell. Still, gonna spread it, sun, or not, ahead of rain. At least if I get dizzy from any head-swim, will fall in something soft! Oh yeah, can ya get arrested for DWImpaired from capsaicin? (That tom juice is seriously hot!)
I like your recipe sounds delish … try to take an Annie break between all dat running around ^_^
Aww Hun you didn't offend in the least little bit. If you ha been being facetious it probably would have gone over my head anyway. I can't tell you how much I and many others learn from your glog Annie so I hope you keep teaching. It's what you do so well and hell I'm getting educated for free. Can't beat that when I still have a hill of student loans.
WalkGood said:
I like your recipe sounds delish … try to take an Annie break between all dat running around ^_^
Smartazz, lol. It was indeed "salinicious." ;)   Thank you for suggesting some needed rest! Took a pause (sort of). Rest is good. (Damn, I sound like Hemingway.)
JJJessee said:
Sinus irrigation. Neti pot. Works like a charm for me. But a dip in the sea like Ramon said sounds more fun.
Although a Neti pot has it's charm if you like to pour water through your head.
Carl--yeppers. Although a long float in Gulf of Mexico, slide off, swim, sun, mmmmmm: my element . . . is more fun, Neti, rest, t'was. Y'all expecting rain? We are. Tonight, tomorrow. (Damn, still sound like Ernesto H.)
sicman said:
my wife swears by the neti pot,she also swears at me alot also :rofl: i play shes a saint ;)      get feeling better!
Thanks, siccy! Ya crack me up!
Devv said:
Hope you get to feeling better Annie!
My fav for a cold is alka seltzer cold plus.
Thanks Scott! Already feel better and locked/loaded/ready for groundhog, lol. Since am impersonating Hemingway today, "Rest is good. Rest is very good."
Sanarda said:
Aww Hun you didn't offend in the least little bit. If you ha been being facetious it probably would have gone over my head anyway. I can't tell you how much I and many others learn from your glog Annie so I hope you keep teaching. It's what you do so well and hell I'm getting educated for free. Can't beat that when I still have a hill of student loans.
Pia, facetious is often passive-aggressive as expository . . . I'm just aggressive when pushed, but never passive about it! Grew up around boys: aggressive may not be PC but is honest. Oh yeah, back to your point to which I respond, half my "teaching" anydayumwhere/situation, involves the positive side of me, saying shit like, "I just got eaten ALIVE by something in that straw; what WAS that?!" only to find the pain might have been worth the gain: that's not always true in life but nasty crap usually has an upful side if we look for it. Hell, I was just looking for "What is my stomach covered w/large red itchy bumps?" I hear ya on the student loans! :shocked:
stc3248 said:
Sick again??? Ughhh, Lot of vitamin C in them peppers! Hope you feel better lady...'cause sick or not you're 'bout to have a mutiny up in here if'n you don't show us your grow soon! So...feel better lady! 
Shane, sugar-pie, smootchums, hot monkey-love, mutinous, rabble-rouser!  :rofl:  Post pics once a week usually. More later on. Since it's not rained but are calling for first nice rain today, tonight, tomorrow, and have begun a fungal based compost tea--it's balanced recipe, actually but ground up some oatmeal in moistened straw-based compost aka fungal--waiting for mycelia to grow + mixing with worm castings, a little high P bat guano, to bring back the "loving feeling" of flowers that dropped during this past heat wave. Got tons of Azomite down ahead of rain at base of plants.
Doing that on Tuesday after rains. Garden is now smothered with another 10 bales straw that bro brought by yest. morning, spread by bro yesterday morning. Bro saw what I wanted, without asking, could figure that, spread it himself. Told me to go to bed, that I looked like shit, go watch t.v., go play video games, go play with myself--my fam can be a tad crude sometimes, but funny--but to "get some gd rest." He covers his garden in straw as well--perfect job, he did. And it was SO SWEET of him! Had to check it out late yesterday, as nothing on t.v. As getting Azomite down at plant bases, saw a couple small cayenne, ate in garden, and dang, that tad of fresh heat tasted so good! (I think those little hot pods are what got me well, along with bro's love.) Am helping him get in rest of his corn next week. He also gave me his Glock 30, nice .45 to off the groundhog, humanely.
Can't beat that visit with a red oak trunk! Thanks, Shane!
GA Growhead said:
Hoping you get past this cold with the quickness! Stay on the vit c, chili powder, & drink a ton of water!
Will and did do GH! Those cayenne pods are hot as hell. Ate em "off the bone" yesterday evening. I'm drinking water. smh--only up 4X to visit bathroom last night. 4X! Thanks sweetie. Updates coming soon as rain cometh and passeth. ;)
GA Growhead said:
You doing any better? Lost in the garden? :)
Thanks GH! I was lost in NCIS maratathon, a few old movies, Hush, Sweet Charlotte and, I think I have on disc, every Tenn Williams film ever made, so had Suddenly Last Summer to Cat on a Hot Tin Roof festival last night--only part I ever wanted to play in any drama was Maggie "the Cat" on COHTRoof. Well, no: Liz Taylor's gig in Reflections in a Golden Eye, which I also have by Carson McCullers is, "Son, have you ever been collared and dragged out into the street by a half-naked woman and beaten to death?" Obviously not but Marlon Brando didn't wanna explore that possibility. Had a young Marlon Brando afternoon and part of night: that'll get any red-blooded female well! Thanks for caring, hon!
Glad to hear your better! And a strawed garden is great news!

"Son, have you ever been collared and dragged out into the street by a half-naked woman and beaten to death?"
It's funny you mentioned this... happened once but not beated to death. I survived. ;)

Looks like rain, but nothing yet. Didn't water last night, so better get here soon!
JJJessee said:
We're gittin' rain now, a little.
Good deal, Carl! Just finished throwing more Azomite on some cukes, under rather, mulching them in raised bed. Rain will do plants better than city water irrigation. It's slightly drizzling here, too. :party:
GA Growhead said:
Glad to hear your better! And a strawed garden is great news!

"Son, have you ever been collared and dragged out into the street by a half-naked woman and beaten to death?"
It's funny you mentioned this... happened once but not beated to death. I survived. ;)

Looks like rain, but nothing yet. Didn't water last night, so better get here soon!
Do tell, Jason? :rofl: Half-naked chicks and half-beaten, HAS to be good story! Rain is coming to ya. Love your pods, man. I got some Nagas podding, one JA Hab too and begging for water . . .  wheat straw, like your pine straw, leaves, will hold that moisture! Also thanks for well-wishes. Can't keep a stubborn woman down long. OR I got pre-Godfather Brando healing :lol:. (Or coulda been Paul Newman healing . . .  or that hot little cayenne . . . lol)
Devv said:
Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Good deal on your brother helping out, he's a good man :party:
Yep, Scott! He's my oldest younger bro so we "get" each other better than the younger ones. Indeed, he's a good man! :P

So I took my "almost not stuffy head" out to the "straw bale" and had a look. White powder in any pics is not Sevin. Lord no; were I gonna use that, I'd use liquid, lol. Plants desperately need rain and they keep saying it's coming tonight and tomorrow. Had more than few drops out there while shooting these.

Cayenne. Plant's big enough now to support so letting these pods stay on . . . maybe: I love green cayenne better than red, if it's nearly dried just to eat. Fam trad.

Buncha cayenne: since planted only 3 weeks ago and month behind, kinda shocked at this plant. Let 'em grow! (Maybe.)

This would have made second jal taken off Giant Jalapeño plant, so leaving it since plant got little bigger. Here come ya Rorschach tests! :rofl:  (Except for a few.)

I guess coulda cropped but had to towel dry since it began raining when outside. This is Inca Red Drop. Not done much since Monday when last updated; it'd like some rain!

Outta focus yellow thing is Aji Limon. YAY!

Total Rorschach: to what plant does this flower and iddy biddy poddage belong? Choc Hab, of all things. smh.

Another? Fatalii yellow!

See the pods? See the big pod? Top center? I didn't yesterday when walking through garden tossing Azomite. Dang: Naga. smh. And finally:

I didn't think to carry a pencil or magic marker (or PVC) with me: the stem on this Brainstrain yellow is wow! All have good "stemage" but even with few bug bites, this is a really healthy BS.
In ground 3 weeks, these plants have happily taken off but are wanting more compost tea since the watering in. AACTea did and is still doing its thing for roots but foliar? Yeah, tea be nice for them to decrease bug issues. But as hot as it's been, as dry, the eggplant didn't wilt. Part that is semi-supersoil mix and other is compost tea when watered in.
Oh, and hail is a good possibility so . . . HOPE NOT but . . . I can control nothing. I can only be responsible. Funny about humans: we can be responsible and so many don't want to own responsibility, but we can never control and that's exactly what we want! :rolleyes: Thanks for looking. Peace.
Oh, reason not caged nor staked anything? Ground is HARD. Hopefully rain will soften and if hail doesn't happen or is mild, will have some plants left to cage/stake.
Just got a chance to check out your glog.  In a word:  awesome!  I went back to page 28 but will get caught up with the "early days" over time.  Pretty expansive in-ground grow!  Everything looked awesome, and then you added the straw and now it looks totally pro!  Those birds looked amazing.  Glad to see you're getting Cayenne pods.  Keep it coming, Annie!
I hope you get rain, and not the hail. We had all of that forecast last Wed. high winds 1-3 poss 5"'s and hail. Didn't rain a drop.
This morning we got an unexpected 1/2", wasn't in the forecast.
Plant are looking happy in the dirt, even podding..
Great job!
DocNrock said:
Just got a chance to check out your glog.  In a word:  awesome!  I went back to page 28 but will get caught up with the "early days" over time.  Pretty expansive in-ground grow!  Everything looked awesome, and then you added the straw and now it looks totally pro!  Those birds looked amazing.  Glad to see you're getting Cayenne pods.  Keep it coming, Annie!
Thanks Doc: love your x-country irrigation system! I dunno about pro, lol. Just went down to hit cukes with more Biotamax/Actinovate, kelp, since doused with Azo expecting rain. "One entity" loves the straw and is cracking me up. Still laughing. Baby rabbit, 2 springs ago shows up. I'm thinking, "NOT!" but he didn't eat anything rabbits are known to devour. (Or he'd found his way to grill. Beer can wabbit.) Maybe because I fed him baby carrots and besides those, clover is all he will eat now. Baby carrots and clover. So, we keep blades on lawnmower too high to mow down clover as it attracts bees and this little idiot loves to eat it. I tripped over his azz one night last summer near outdoor faucet, turning it off. I just tripped over something and in dim twilight I saw it was dingbat, still lying there, eating clover, unmoved by a human stepping on him. Just now, after the cuke event, I saw him gnawing away at clover, yanking it up by roots, close to near my feet and going BACK to garden to this nice bed he'd made out of straw and putting clover in the bed. I almost walked away and said, "Harvey?!" He looked at me, nose going nuts. "You are one more damned lazy rabbit, ya know that?" He continued to snag up clover, take it back: "getting dinner ready." Dayum, sad state of affairs: a rabbit too lazy to eat clover sitting still but must lie down in his straw bed and eat it. Just sad. :rofl:
Devv said:
I hope you get rain, and not the hail. We had all of that forecast last Wed. high winds 1-3 poss 5"'s and hail. Didn't rain a drop.
This morning we got an unexpected 1/2", wasn't in the forecast.
Plant are looking happy in the dirt, even podding..
Great job!
Just started raining now here, Scott. Hard rain. Harvey (the well-behaved smart-a rabbit mentioned in post above)--evidently not weather-savvy--had to abandon his clover dinner plans in straw. Got some thunder, but so far, no hail. Glad not had to use tap water/irrigation on garden just yet. Want to build mycorrizhae and let that Azo work before hitting with compost tea, whenever it quits raining. Yeah, hope no hail and do hope you get some MORE rain!!!