• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
koskorgul said:
Damn Annie, Herniated disks, not a good thing
My dad had 3 back surgeries for herniated and ruptured disks. The first 1 they made a 1" cut on each side of his spine, went in and did what they did. He was off work for about 6 mths, he went back to work and ended up hurting his back again. He had the same surgery again, with the 1" cuts, off work again for 6 mths. Goes back to work again and yet again hurts his back. This time they made about a 6" cut right down the length of his spine. He was off work for another 6 mths. When he would go back to work the company would put him right back on the same job he had when he hurt his back. He never made it back to work after the last surgery, he passed away about 9 mths from retiring from thre. He was around 75% disabled because of the company. I told him time and time again that he needed to contact a lawyer because they kept putting him back on the same job with an ultimatum of do it or you are fired.
All I can say is take it easy and hope that everything works out for ya
Rob, I'm so sorry. I cannot "like this," your story about your father, because it infuriates me. God bless you, your father's soul. The people who work for that company WILL understand that what one puts on the wheel of life, he or she will take off, or reap. I feel a lot better today and am heeding some advice--just gonna go get water conditioner, start compost teas and rather than lug 5 gals at time to garden, carry 3 gallons @ a time, since got 3 gal bucket, put it to use--the stakes/poles will also be there tomorrow. Might take longer, but ya know and you do, slow and steady wins races. Thanks to all of you who have knocked some sense into my dense skull. Much peace, sugar and thank you.
Glad to hear you are going to take it easy Annie
Yeah it really pissed me off also with what they had done. I tried to get him to lawyer up but he was stubborn and wouldnt do it. He told me that he was affraid to get a lwayer because he thought that they would fire him then. Tried to explain that they cant because it is against the law and if they did, well he would get all of his back pay when he won his case and rest assured he would have.
Muchacha you got me back, spewed out mi spewed out me café, lols ...
Don't ask me how cause it was probably my own thoughts, as I was reading about your two teas after seeing that first picture all I could think of was the church lady saying in her high manly voice "well now doesn't that smell special!" Or child you need an intervention that looks like "demon brew there." hahahahaha ...
That brew is going to make dem jump ... start dat brew and take dat Annie break you need again ^_^
koskorgul said:
Glad to hear you are going to take it easy Annie
Yeah it really pissed me off also with what they had done. I tried to get him to lawyer up but he was stubborn and wouldnt do it. He told me that he was affraid to get a lwayer because he thought that they would fire him then. Tried to explain that they cant because it is against the law and if they did, well he would get all of his back pay when he won his case and rest assured he would have.
I kinda did take it easier, Rob. Yeah, I grew up in a furniture factory town/area. Most of the guys I knew, older fellas in town, including my grandfathers, were missing arms, fingers, hands, and had to continue working for Drexel or be fired and since it was the only game in 5 counties . . . they never said a word. (Used to be Furniture, then went to Enterprises, and sold to China and went, laughably, "Heritage"). If somebody gave me Drexel "Heritage" furniture now, I'd sell it to buy IKEA. 
WalkGood said:
Muchacha you got me back, spewed out mi spewed out me café, lols ...
Don't ask me how cause it was probably my own thoughts, as I was reading about your two teas after seeing that first picture all I could think of was the church lady saying in her high manly voice "well now doesn't that smell special!" Or child you need an intervention that looks like "demon brew there." hahahahaha ...
That brew is going to make dem jump ... start dat brew and take dat Annie break you need again ^_^
Te gusta esa foto, mi hermano?! :rofl: I showed it to my husband like, "What have you done?!" (I have a look that implies he's done something and it HAS to be him who did it.) He jumped back: "It ain't mine!" I really did laugh my ass off. Damn, "It ain't mine" !! :rofl:
Anyhow, yep made some tea that smelled, lol, smelled really :rofl: never mind, got pics coming up. Can't quit laughing.
GA Growhead said:
How about 2.5 gallons in the 3gal buckets, two trips to fill the five. Brew tea, in the 5s, then 1 gallon doses to the garden. Lighten that load!
Dear Christ, Jay! Uh, that carrying formula looks like a quadratic equation meets I Love Lucy :rofl: So good to laugh!!

Post compost dousing:

I have no clue what pepper this is exactly. Think it came from some late sent-seed from Kevin/Wayright that was "PGCI54ABCF1" or something. "Stuff" at bottom of peppers is high phosphorous bat guano, rock phosphate, and Azomite. Late season plant-out, gotta get these things representin.' Although what it's representin'? Cute pepper though. :rofl: (Still can't stop laughing, because what I want to say, is "If I'z a Martian mother to a baby boy first thing in morning . . .") Next, lol:

This is a Bonda Ma Jacques with iddy biddy stem and iddy biddy pod. Up top. Can see remnants of compost tea on all.

Caribbean Red cradling some dark goodness.

Ramon/Walkgood gonna be a daddy! JA Hab.

Choc Hab, podding up.

Fatalli Yellow--tall child.

Looks like ornaments on Christmas tree! Trini Scorp Red. (Note, so after I take all these pics today, belly-crawling on straw and everything's podding up, just underneath: from top, can't see this too well.)

7 Pod Brown x Naga with a fruit at top--tiny pod but a fruit, nevertheless--cooler weather has helped these guys stop dropping flowers. Seed from Jamie/Romy6 on this one.
In brief, everything is podding up or has lots flowers, like other day, without fruit showing yet but flowers, now podding up thanks to cooler weather; if that heavy-duty-although-diluted-compost tea doesn't OD aka, kill them, weather is good next couple of days for flowers to become pods. Got a feeling Douglah wants it much hotter than mid-70's during day, however. Highs in 90's will be back next week. Thanks for looking!
Devv said:
Ahhhhh, Now you're feeling my pain...dirt pictures are hard!
For photo ops the container guys have it made :party:
But your grow is starting to kick!
Glad to see everything is coming on strong Super Annie!
Thanks, Scott!
THP is not an acronym for "The Hot Photography." :rofl:
Podding up is always a good thing, of course if that back gets to hurting too bad you could just grab a pepper, cut it in half and rub it on your back. I have Degenerative Disk Disease in the lumbar region and use Capsaicin Creme on it for great relief. It's a bit of a pain at first, kind of a Hunan Back thing, but once that settles out it really cuts the pain back. I guess we're just 2 peas from the same pod though. I just refuse to let it stop me from doing what i want to do. I just grimace my way through it and then suffer till it relaxes out later.
Hope your feeling better :)
RocketMan said:
Podding up is always a good thing, of course if that back gets to hurting too bad you could just grab a pepper, cut it in half and rub it on your back. I have Degenerative Disk Disease in the lumbar region and use Capsaicin Creme on it for great relief. It's a bit of a pain at first, kind of a Hunan Back thing, but once that settles out it really cuts the pain back. I guess we're just 2 peas from the same pod though. I just refuse to let it stop me from doing what i want to do. I just grimace my way through it and then suffer till it relaxes out later.
Hope your feeling better :)
Thanks Bill! Actually, I was picking some Carib Reds, something, end last summer--back was up against a Trini "something" bush/tree. Got in and dang, back felt so nice and hot, warm. Eased off pain. Thought I'd hit it with Absorbin Jr. but hadn't--then it hit me--just the bush, brushing against the leaves. Went back to garden and between eating half for endorphin rush and smearing one, one or the other or both helped. If it'd quit raining, I'd go see if the buckets we got last night knocked flowers off but eh . . . they'll be okay. Loved that pineapple salsa :P --what is the "Chocolate Something" or can we just forever call it, "Chocolate Something"? Some big-a pods :dance: ! Thanks for stoppin' in, supersaucermaker: stay safe and dry in Andrea.
WalkGood said:
Great to see dem pods \o/ soon you'll have monsters of ya own muchacha :) Thanks for da compliment but I've got bad news :(
And see that you have clones in water! If you want to maybe ensure that process, trying some rooting hormone or gel or something but water'd probably work, not as fast, but you have long grow season. Heck, I cloned some piece off a blasted houseplant and got cussed every time we moved for a few years: it was some kinda oak leaf ivy half-dead . . . I cloned it with some rooting powder. Soon, it kinda branched out. Saw one full grown in middle of hairdresser's salon in Raleigh (kept size of that "creature" to myself) and got cussed on more than one occasion as "Monster" got bigger and bigger. "Somebody" left it outside the movers' view last we moved. . . just as well. Your white bhut will set up shop with new roots, hon. :dance: But, am sorry it got whacked. :mope: She'll be BACK! I promise. AND if those pods were turning in the slightest, can put them in bag with apple, bananas, and pods will ripen: not same thing but . . . am sorry Ramon!
I get no respect. Going out to mix some neem just after what appeared to be last of a rain band passed. Sun was coming out, all is well. And then saw this:

Wasp not in garden doing its job but going for what has to be dilute compost tea remnants on/in bucket. While I'm going for neem. Yeah. smh.
"You get no respect," lols, that’s funny, reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield, hehehe
Wasps will get to your plants and where there's one they'll soon be others. You could leave the empty bucket in the field if it’s attracting them; worst case is you'll have a bucket full of rain, lol. But I hear you on the neem, been doing a lot of that and two plants getting the rosemary oil I mean "death by rosemary" from Scott. Although the last 3 days it’s been nonstop rain here and no spraying, if I don’t hit them up right after it stops I’ll probably head for trouble. When last I got the mites they were driven up to the plants after a few days of rain so I gotta get on dem.
Muchacha I wish you and yours a fantastic weekend and don’t work too hard ^_^
WalkGood said:
"You get no respect," lols, that’s funny, reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield, hehehe
Wasps will get to your plants and where there's one they'll soon be others. You could leave the empty bucket in the field if it’s attracting them; worst case is you'll have a bucket full of rain, lol. But I hear you on the neem, been doing a lot of that and two plants getting the rosemary oil I mean "death by rosemary" from Scott. Although the last 3 days it’s been nonstop rain here and no spraying, if I don’t hit them up right after it stops I’ll probably head for trouble. When last I got the mites they were driven up to the plants after a few days of rain so I gotta get on dem.
Muchacha I wish you and yours a fantastic weekend and don’t work too hard ^_^
I'z thinking "Rodney D." when I saw that b. wasp, mi hermano.
Oh, I have no doubt they will get there, but that was near the house, not near garden--as I make strong compost tea and dilute it. Got a huge watering can with spray nozzle so I don't tote full 5 gal buckets.
I have no doubt about his destination as of late yesterday, because went back out to fill jugs with molasses, let sun warm warm, to feed plants with that and NHarvest, and then spray Actinovate/Biotamax; and then begin a round of compost tea later today with shroom compost--Bill got me thinking, "fungal, fungal, fungal." So after rains giving it MORE fungal when next tea is brewed.
I have no doubt that wasp made it to garden because went back out to do all above and damn wasp was swimming for his life in the bucket. I got a stick, he crawled up on it, sorta shook himself off like dog, sat on stick and we went to a flower on Douglah that I doused with bat guano at base. Nice wet, below, could get a drink of the bat sh*t around plant. And hopefully manage to crawl back up. I even tested him to see if he'd do it. Yep: he got a drink, went from Clark to SMan, and crawled back up to the flower.
Some people spoil their children: I didn't do this type of catering to with my boys! You know a teenage boy's (or girl's--they had gf's)--most famous expression, "I can't find my . . ."  I let the oldest CARRY his books/laptop to h.s. one day in his arms. He lost a Pangea backpack we paid 100+ bucks for back then. (I knew it'd show up eventually since he came in with it.) So, I said, "Son, when I was in high school, we had to carry our books, and I carried a purse too, so . . . you're a quarterback. Just snuggle 'em up and pretend you're a fullback. Wanna borrow one of my old tie-dye purses for the laptop?" Kid came in from football practice and found that backpack. But, now I carry bugs on a stick?
Yeah, that's evidently b.s. about mites hating water. Read that one was crawling up drink cup on your glog. Hmm. Hope that "Death by Rosemary" works to keep them at bay because nothing eradicates them once there except 217 and I can't/won't pay that again. Good luck, hon. So far, no sign of them but season is so, so young here!