Durham Bull said:
"Texting has delayed many/most of their developmental abilities to have a meaningful conversation. Two pieces to that skill: actively listening and thoughtfully responding"
love it... I am still cracking up over your "Spanish major" student.
I read at 40 "descriptive" essays yesterday, Sy. Only 20 more, lousy--and I said I didn't care about grammar but no text language, but--"oops:" they can't help "thsves." I
knew whether to run, shit, go blind or commit murder, which is why I don't eval this stuff at my office. Nearly blind from text language, might as well have murdered a few, had they been within my reach. Ever read floral, adjective-laden descriptions of a sunset in text language? Not missed a DAYUM thang.
Hell, I told them that they could describe sex--anything but rape--theirs, homicide or suicide attempts---theirs . . . but out of 60--30+ of them males, not one described a sex act (that was consensual).
I did have a couple of good completely descriptive essays, all came from male students. One was EXCELLENT. He went to public schools in NC. Baseball scholly guy.
And he wrote it. Have talked with him some in class; my "flying ace" in one class, for sure.
15 others were plagiarized, 1 student we'll probably have to suspend until further police/SBI investigation because he claimed his descriptions were his "fromRL" (real life?) I told them not to, and it's a relatively infamous local rape case. Dayum. Idiots. See what happens with other 20 today.
Dear Christ.
Devv said:
I couldn't tell the difference, and as you know....if you eat a whole bunch of supers in a short while the taste buds go on vacation. I never could taste the difference between the Aji Limon and the Yellow Bouquet! I made a hot sauce with the 3 giant Yellow 7's and it came out great! Amazing flavor and the heat was a creeper, brought some to work and everyone loved it....but said it was hot! But they kept loading up the chips..
I hear ya about the students, they have their face glued to the phones when they change classes. Remember when you went to school and respected when an adult walked down the hall? Now I just stop and let them run into me. They have no manners (well most don't) I open a door with my arms full of gear and they try to get through the door that I JUST OPENED FOR ME ignoring my presence, again I just stop and let them bounce into me..
And am I crazy thinking that hallways and doors should be treated like the roads we drive on? You know the out door is on the right, in on the left if you are inside the building? I lock the right door so the have to use the correct door to enter the building....one gets satisfaction out of the little things...LOL
Glad you're taking them out into the real world, it's shame their parents haven't. And this is my thought...why do they need cell phones? Somehow I made it to my 50's without one, I do have a cheapo work makes me wear. They think I keep it with me...LOL when I get home it's sits in my truck or some employee that needs a life calls me at bedtime because they can't open an attachment...OK I'm rambling..again.</RANT>
Have a great weekend!
Man, your taste buds
were abducted by supers, Scott! Of course after first box I got of season, Jamie/Romy6 of 7 super varieties, I couldn't tell difference between broccoli and ice cream. Glad you're enjoying yellow 7's and brains. Not growing the TSMB yellow next year. Might go ButchT or Bubblegum instead along with Reaper seeds you sent. I guess it would be stupid to ask about Douglah, huh?
There's a remedy for rude. Don't know your setting, but I got some local high school teachers, teaching seniors, to get parental permission to show the film,
Deliverance based off James Dickey novel (JD plays sheriff in film as you know). After "squeal like a pig" they discuss "rudeness" with aghast, grossed out, students.
I do it every semester with freshmen. I would
never show this if teaching at a northern, midwestern, western state, because the south has enough of bad rep but they got theirs (or is it there's or they're or lol, never eaten a "sandwhich.") And really one page, ONE skimpy page of it's v. its? Just minor stuff but they can't do it initially. They were taught: they paid no attention.
But I suggest
Deliverance for treatment of rudeness, uncouth, ill-mannered, in southern settings. And the sad thing is "rude boy" has been ruined by the behaviors of the children of parents who sent Buffalo Soldiers to kill First Nations people's here, or pick ya country. But I also show
The Harder They Come (Lord, lord, lord, I love,
love Jimmy Cliff!) and
The Battle of Algiers; ask how these are different from or like, or not related to,
Of course I'm leading them: difference in resistance and rude, inhumane, inconsiderate, irresponsible behavior without cause. AND I find the best students I have and a few of the worst to teach those classes. If we keep rape-boy--if not suspended/charged--he will be co-teaching this series.
stc3248 said:
See!!! I knew your big numbers were right around the corner! Very nice lady! Next thing you know I'll be asking you for pods!!! I think I may be about out???
Shane, you ain't in no time soon asking nobody for a pod! But I'd send ya some!! Thanks for the faith, man! Hope to make some sauce tomorrow, Ramon's Tres Alarmas, if I can get work done and get to g-store and to tienda today.
WalkGood said:
I agree with your statement +
Apologies for hot linking the correct definition of “googolplex” (per Milton & later Kasner) as I know you know. I had to because those same freshmen, others and the company “Google” have different definitions referring back to the Google company headquarters, hahaha ... Milton would be rolling in his grave
Think I wouldn't know dat reference huh? My mother taught pre-school for a gazillion years. But I like Milton's idea of the googolplex and instead of my students "Googling" maybe they could go into a meditative trance writing 0's until the definition or answer came to them in a Zen state
. We would be much trouble working together, mi hermano.